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Gateau au chocolat moelleux et fondant


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Thanks, but I want a real french recipe with what looks like a soggy, heavy bake, but is so chocolate rich that it melts in the mouth. Rather than a fondant that rises and when on the serving plate,  put the spoon through and the liquid chocolate oozes out, like the yolk on a good poached egg[:D]

And I hate nutella, love hazelnuts, but not that.

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Thanks, but no thanks, as I want an authentic french recipe...... and I do not know of one french lady who would have used golden syrup or liquid glucose when I lived there.

I used to have a good recipe from a friend. Hers was the best I had, and I have lost the recipe and lost contact  with her too. I remember clearly the first time she served it to me, it looked sad and soooooooo heavy and I was dreading eating it and it was truly scrumptious.

In fact that is not the only recipe I have lost, a couple of books as well as loose papers with recipes on are missing too, daresay they will eventually show up.

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Many thanks for the replies. 

I can see hundreds of recipes on french sites, but I have 'done' recipes before, ploughed my way through too many, before I found the right one...... donc, that is why I would love, as I said, a well tried recipe.

IF no one makes it, tant pis, I'll get onto a couple of friends in France who bake, but in my entourage, they do not bake as much as I do, and I have lost contact with the lady who does the wonderful one........ as she has moved away.... as did I......[blink]

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