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What is your favourite French wine and grape ??

Ron Bolus

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[quote user="dwmcn"]


You misspelled LADDIES.


[/quote]As a good Scottish laddie born and bred I think that Sweet's spelling, like everything about her, is above reproach. While I enjoy WB's contributions as much as anyone else here on the forum, I think on the available evidence he is even more appreciated by the ladies rather than the laddies.
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[quote user="dwmcn"]


In French, wooly is a wanquer.



Does the above make dwmcn ( which, incidentally, my iPad autocorrects to "demon") a "nasty piece of work", I wonder? Or is it OK to simply misspell a gros mot?
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Being brought up in Scotland I was always taught that we, as people, were Scots and that the drink was Scotch. I have never seen McNickle whisky so I don't believe it is Scotch or even Irish. The Name may well originate from Northern Ireland but the spelling suggests an American influence. 
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Check the Northern Ireland telephone directories. Are you suggesting that the McNickles went from the US to Ireland and changed the spelling of the name? Three McNickle brothers went to the US from Ireland and my family came from one of them.


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[quote user="dwmcn"]


I can't count the number of times I have heard that. Americans call it Scotch-Irish, get over it.


'I thought Scotch was a drink not a nationality!'


That doesn't stop the Americans being plain wrong, in the same way as many of them think that coming from Great Britain or the United Kingdom makes everyone English!

The fact is Scotch is a drink http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotch_whisky

Scots is a nationality http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_people

 I don't think anyone who has chosed the first name of one of Scotlands greatest and best loved poets as their user name needs lessons in the difference between Scotch and Scots, do you ? [:D][:D]

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[quote user="dwmcn"]


Is Rabbie an American? If not, he doesn't know what he is talkng about. Are you an American?


[/quote]David, I am NOT an american. As I stated earlier I am a  born and bred scot. Perhaps you should read the posts before being so arrogant.

You say your name McNickle is derived from Nicholson. A bit of a clue there that the scottish spelling of McNichol makes more sense. Perhaps some  of  your ancestors were orthographically challenged[:D]

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Pommier (pear cider?),

I thought the national Scottish drink was Irn Bru. Or is it Buckfast wine? I guess we should all say butterscots, hopscots, ScotsTape, and scots a rumor (rumour if you want). I have a bottle in front of me that contained a 12 year old Scotch whisky called MacNicoll. Of course the Irish drink Jameson whiskey.


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