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Complete France Forum

Cajun Gumbo


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Just to change things a little, I thought I would try a cajun gumbo..... shock horror though, suggested sausage in it was andouille.

I looked them up and they seem to be a cajun version of andouillette...........

For some reason, I never imagined that.

Husband love andouillette, and I find them degueulas, beurk[+o(]

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 Encore you 'faire l'andouille', naughty! [:D]

How boring life would be if I only cooked traditional english cooking.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, and frankly in a traditional english winter, it is very comforting and lovely food.

Still, I like to broaden my horizons, but not with 'andouille'.........[+o(]

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