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What is the hardest thing you cook?


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  I have had something I love, poached eggs on toast for lunch, and as ever, as I am so fussy about egg white being firm, but the yolk runny, it felt like an ordeal, it always does.

I must have made thousands throughout my life....... but worth it.

My husband and son, do not mind, snotty white, but just the thought turns my stomach.

My mother used a poacher and they were not 'right', just strange, 100 times better when my Dad made them placing them straight into the water.

I really think that these are the most difficult thing I cook.

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Boiled eggs are difficult because success depends on size and more importantly age. Can't guarantee results unless you have already experienced results from the same batch. Poaching is much easier because you can see what's happening. I'm only referring to the degree of cooking not the mess up that I usually create which tends to look llke a bad copy of the milky way!
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I agree entirely about soft boiled eggs.  If I do get it just right with firm-ish whites and runny yolks, then it's a happy accident.

Age of eggs and thickness of shells are the hardest things to factor in.

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Pomme, interesting as all that is, I can't see myself measuring the temperature of the water and waiting over an hour (or whatever time the article says) before preparing my toast soldiers and finally sitting down for breakfast.

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[quote user="mint"]Pomme, interesting as all that is, I can't see myself measuring the temperature of the water and waiting over an hour (or whatever time the article says) before preparing my toast soldiers and finally sitting down for breakfast.


It is much simpler if you have a sous vide water heating stick - usually cheapest from Aldi/Lidl at least once a year. We also have a vacuum sealer and mostly use them for perfect rare beef/duck.

There is a link to the soft-poached egg recipe which says " Cook until outer whites are just set, about 1 minute. Retrieve eggs with the perforated spoon and serve immediately. Alternatively, eggs can be stored in cold water in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To reheat, place eggs in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes until warm."
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