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Civil partnership


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I know I could proably look this up on the web but thought I'd post it anyway to save me some time..............that's if anyone knows the answer. Myself and my partner had a civil partnership in the U.K. in Feb 2007, we own a house in france and are currently in the process of renovation (not that that has anything to do with the question). Does anyone know if, as with a conventional marriage, that our partnership has the same legal status in France ? We have presumed that it does.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

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 Thank you for the quick replies, I've had a look on the net since the two replies, it seems that equality does not extend both ways across the channel.

The U.K. accepts the french PACS partnership with all that entails (tax rights, inheritence rights etc) but the french do not accept the U.K. civil partnership. It appears that the only way we can get appropriate rights to our own property in France if one of us dies is to make a will in France and pay the very hefty 60% inheritance tax incurred by non married couples.

I suppose we could sell the house before our demise and return to the U.K. Not exactly what we had planned !!!!!!. I feel a letter to my euro M.P. coming on !!!

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It might be worth your while investigating the possibilities of using a company structure (eg SCI - societe civile immobiliere) to own the property, even at this stage, if you are concerned. Obviously it would have been better at the purchase stage but you might be able to benefit by getting around some of the issues using an SCI and so the costs may be worth it..



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Hi again,

Thanks for support and thoughts, Sorry to say Cathy that that's not possible, because despite the C.P. not being eligible for tax purposes etc in France we are still legally "married", we might be expecting a little spell in the Bastille or the the local UK prison for bigomy !!

Just out of interest does anyone know of a english speaking solicitor local to Bellac area (87290) where we could do a French will, as far as I know an English will won't cover the French property for my partner as the house is in my name only. Thnaks.



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[quote user="connolls"]

Hi again,

Thanks for support and thoughts, Sorry to say Cathy that that's not possible, because despite the C.P. not being eligible for tax purposes etc in France we are still legally "married", we might be expecting a little spell in the Bastille or the the local UK prison for bigomy !!

Just out of interest does anyone know of a english speaking solicitor local to Bellac area (87290) where we could do a French will, as far as I know an English will won't cover the French property for my partner as the house is in my name only. Thnaks.





Could you not "divorce" in the UK and then enter a PACS in France?

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British CPs are not recognised in France despite the fact the the U.K recogises same sex French PACsed couples. Nor can you do a PACS in France since you have to prove you are single which you are not, nor can you get divorced in the U.K to do a PACS unless your relationship has broken down, which it hasn't since you are only wanting to do it for a PACS (which is the same thing in the U.K).

A written declaration for mutual recognition of CP in the E.U has been set up by MEPS Sharon Bowles, liz lynne, and elpeth attwool , it needs to be signed by half of the euro meps by 15.1.09, the number of the declaration 0076/2008. If you look at the last posting on the following forum then you need to email these people to get them to sign to stop this discrimination


You can also email

r.yung@senat.fr, joel.lederoff@gmail.com

Both are campainging in France government levels, there are many other, look at the above forum and page backwards from the last page - there is a host of people you need to email to get things changed, otherwise you have no legal or civil rights of a couple in France and you have to pay 60% inheritance tax on all your worldwide assets if you become domiciled there (60% on French property if you don't become resident/domiciled) - French pacsed couples pay 0% iht.


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Thanks vinny for the information and links, I will have a look at the suggested items. I can see your rational kathyc but as you will understand getting divorced from my partner would definately not be an option we would even consider. And as vinny said getting divorced for this reason would not be a "valid" reason.

Thanks again for all thoughts on the discussion and also for the advice.

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