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Getting married in France

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With my girlfriend, we are planning to go to Eastern France on the middle of May and we will get married there. The problem is that it would be our first trip and we don't have any idea of the documents required for a civil marriage in Alsace. At this time, I am still looking for information about it so I would be pleased if someone can help.


Rob Macnz

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On the assumption that this is a real request and not a wind up - all the informnation you need is in the FAQ just above this thread.

You will need to go to the place you want to marry before you can even start paperwork, blood tests etc.  Far too late now for May I think.

Why do you want to marry in France - if that is not an impertinent question. If your girl friend is French, or you are, then that will make a difference.

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You no longer need blood tests to get married in France, however for a legal wedding you have to be resident or at least have a connection to the commune through a home there. Most of the adverts you see for weddings in a lovely château are really just receptions with a ceremony and you get legally married at a registry office in the UK beforehand.

That said, it is possible to collect all the documentation together in a relatively short time frame. You will also need to get everything translated by an official translator and if you don't speak French, they will also need to be at the wedding ceremony. Enjoy your day, whatever you decide.
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As was said, there are hoops to jump through to do this and do not forget, you can only get married in a Mairie in France, nowhere else, not you, not even the President of France, ie Sarkozy and Carla Bruni.

Of the 'weddings' I know of in chateaux in France, the people concerned have already been married in a registry office in the UK.

In fact, that is exactly what all church weddings are in France, just an add on, if people want, they are not married until they are married at the Mairie.

So, chose your Mairie and ask if they will accommodate your request.

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