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Recommendations please!


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A Dutch friend and I are planning to re-open the village library next April.  We are able to "borrow" books from the main town library to increase the stock.  I understand that the majority of readers in the village prefer to read romantic or family sagas (especially those based in the countryside - preferably le Sud).  As my friend and I will only be given a very brief opportunity to look at the books we are able to borrow, I was hoping that someone might recommend titles within this genre to us.  Any advice?[:)]
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Just 10 here and all unashamedly from UK's best living writer (Well I hope he is still alive!)

I have met him a couple of times and he is a lovely chap. Pics are from soft backs and not up to the standard of the UK published books IMO.

Will have your readers happy and anarchistic.

I would recommend Amanda McKittrick Ros but I doubt she has been translated into French.


Wilt, Tome 1. Comment se sortir d'une poupee gonflable et de beaucoup d'autres ennuis encore



Outrage public a la pedeur





Wilt, Tome 2. Comment se debarasser d'un crocodile, de terroristes et d'une jeune fille au pair




Le Batard recaltcitrante




La route sanglante du jardinier Blott



Wilt, Tome 4. Comment echapper a sa femme et ses quadruples en epousant une theorie marxiste



Melee ouverte au Zoulouland



Quelle famille!



Wilt, Tome 3.



Bloody Mary



La grand poursuite



Fumiers et compagnie

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Thanks so much for the suggestions!  I am not completely sure that Tom Sharpe is quite what most of my octogenarian lady readers will be looking for but I hope to stock one or two on the off-chance.  Please, please, please give me more ideas!  Many thanks![:D]
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[quote user="buelligan"]Thanks so much for the suggestions!  I am not completely sure that Tom Sharpe is quite what most of my octogenarian lady readers will be looking for but I hope to stock one or two on the off-chance.  Please, please, please give me more ideas!  Many thanks![:D][/quote]


Oh come on all those rampant 80 year old widows needing a good laugh and a man ... just remind them Tom Sharpe is the same age...

Why not check out the bookshelves of your nearest octowoman - my 90 year old neighbours don't read.

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Look out for books by Robert Sabatier, well written and a good read.

These are just some of the titles but there are lots more.

  • La Souris verte
  • Les Allumettes Suédoise
  • Trois sucettes à La Menthe
  • Les Noisettes sauvages

 Iréne Némirovsky's novel "Le Bal" is a brilliant short story.

"Une Soupe Aux Herbes Sauvages" by Emilie Carles

Books by Régine Deforges author of "La Bicyclette bleue" which was made into a popular TV series.

Mazarine Pingeot (illegitimate daughter of Mitterand) her book "Bouche cousue" is an interesting read about the author's childhood.

I have read and enjoyed all of the above though should mention that I am a still a few years off being an "octogenarian lady" [blink] and I am not French! [Www]

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Thanks so much for the ideas!  Sorry I didn't reply to them earlier (have been rather too busy to switch on the computer recently).  If anyone has any further thoughts please let me have them; I will need to choose several hundred books so inspiration is definitely welcome.  Dog; I would normally agree with you about my "ladies" enjoying a good laugh but last week, a very jolly one of them asked me specifically for sad books![8-)]
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