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Book Published


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Hi, Hopefully this will be of interest to anyone who is interested in writing a book. I took part in a competition to write a book with 50,000 words. The book had to be written in the month of November last year. I gave it a try and actually managed to do it. I was so pleased even more so when my book was reviewed and accepted for publishing. Wasn't easy as I did all the editing myself but finally accepted the proof. It is now on all the Amazon sites for sale but because it was printed in America takes a while to get the copy. Easier to order it direct on Amazon.com. Friends order it direct from me. If anyone wants the name of the web site that run the competition, let me know. My book is about our life in Normandy from 1989-2006 just a light hearted tale, no knocking the French all done in the best of taste. Hope this will give all you budding writers encouragement. Sunny
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NaNoWriMo is the writing month thing. National Novel Writing Month. Actually, it's international, happens every November, it's fun and the idea is that you just write... 50,000 words! You don't go back and edit or rearrange etc, you just get your novel written in a month. Then you go back and do whatever amending you need to do.

Congratulations on getting published, Wrimo. [:D]

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[quote user="wrimo"]Excuse me, have I given you my full name or the name of my book? I don't think so. Can you not accept anything that is of help without treating it with suspicion! Enjoy life! Sunny[/quote]

Don't worry, I had, and have, no intention of asking you.

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Hi Catalpa and Pommier, Thank you so much, you don't know how great a feeling it is to get a book published until you have done it. I didn't write it to make a fortune, I did it for my own satisfaction and it has done me so much good to have faced a challenge and succeeded, something I have not done often in life. So keep having a go and you will probably succeed Pommier. Good luck

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I have no burning desire to write (and I do think you need that to be successful) but I have always enjoyed writing... and I wondered if I could write a whole book. During NaNoWriMo about 3 years ago, I achieved about 38,000 words... before an event that the plot hinged on had to happen. By which time, the characters involved in the plot point had written themselves in such a way that for the event to be put in motion the one character particularly would have been acting so out of character as to make the whole thing unbelieveable. So I ground to a halt... it was very good fun though and I might revisit the idea one day.

Many years ago (like about 35!) I did have a couple of short stories published in magazines - paid for! - and it is a buzz. [:D]

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