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Planning or other regs for Mobile Homes


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We've been trying for more than a year to get a CDU to split off a bit (about 1600 sqm) of our land as a building plot for a single substantial family house, but we've just received a fourth negative response from the Mairie, in spite of a favourable opinion from the Conseil General.  This time they have found even more new reasons for refusal.  I'm now convinced the Maire and commune are strongly against this modest development so to avoid any conflict with my fellow villagers, and a waste of time all round, I am dropping the idea.      

I've come up with another plan which is to put one or two mobile homes on the piece of land, which we never use, and can't see from the house. 

We already know from the work we've done on our previous applications that water and electricity services can be brought onto the site at moderate cost.  I now need to know what regulations there are governing the siting of mobile homes on private land.  Am I right that a CDU would not be required?

I'm sure there will be lots of members on this forum who know the drill or can point me in the right direction to find out.


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For our commune you are allowed one 'mobile' (static) caravan per tax foncière without asking for permission. We have one on our land while we do renovations. You have to call them mobile otherwise they will be regarded as a permenant fixture.

What are you going to use the 'vans for?
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My neighbor is talking about just putting one on their land  just to provide additional sleeping as and when required ...As far as I know they are just looking for one at the right price then they will have it delivered . I get the impression they think its no problem to do this .They have also thought of a wooden chalet summer house being put up to do the same job .
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Here you are, the ref re parking caravans in a simple easy-to-follow diagram. Copy & paste it if the link won't work on a click http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/caravanes.pdf

Please note the text in the box which says that if your land lies in any sort of protected area, eg near an historic monument or in a national park you must check with your Mairie as special rules may well apply.

Now for a mobile home in your garden.... the answer is at http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/residence_mobile.pdf
It's NO.

Howver, you seem to be planning some sort of mobile home site.... would you care to elaborate?
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Thanks all for your replies.

Polly, I can't open either of the links!

My aim was originally to sell the piece of land as a plot for a substantial house.  I don't think this is going to happen sometime soon, so plan B would be to try to make some revenue from letting out a holiday mobile home or two.

At the moment the piece of land is doing nothing.  It's not exactly a wood, but it has quite a few trees on it.


PS. OK I copied the links and managed to open one of them, but not the second one.  Thanks. anyway

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On page 5.

Do these links work? Basically the answer is no. They have to go on a terrain de camping, parc de loisirs etc etc or catastrophe naturelle.

I know that there have been posters who have done this whilst say renovating and their mairie has done nothing about it, but it is not legale to do it. My old Mairie would probably have given permission for 3 months and that is all.

Our sons' friend had inherited some land with a barn on it and few vines, the mairie told him not to camp in a tent on his own land whilst he was doing a bit of work on it one summer.
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I fixed the two links.

If you are building a new home you might possibly get permission from the mayor to place one while the building is taking place and it would have to be removed afterwards. You don't have a right to do this, it is a special dispensation from the mayor. Because of the law he can say no and you have no place to appeal.

Putting two mobile homes on a plot makes it a camping site and you will have to build a shower and toilet block as well as all the other things required for a camping site. Rather bizarre considering mobile homes have many of these facilities built in them. The area in which they are placed also has to be of a certain size. When we tried to go down this route a few years back (3 to be exact) we were told no because we only have 7,500 m2 of garden which was too small. They never did tell me how big it needed to be but I suspect a hectare at least.

Putting chalets in the garden requires permission, the type of permission depends on the number of square metres I seem to remember. If memory serves the 'break point' for the different permissions regarding the size of the chalet was 20 m2.

Of course some people just do it then wait to see what happens. Sometimes they get away with it and other times they don't. I know of somebody who did by saying it was an office, utility area (washing machine etc) and storage area and that nobody lived in it.


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Thanks for fixing the links!

Your memory of a 20sqm limit for a chalet comes from the general building rule enshrined in the current French planning regulations which say that under 2sqm no need for applications, 2 - 20sqm you need a déclaration préalable, over 20sqm you need to apply for full planning permission

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