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Selling a Motorcycle


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I need to sell one of my bikes as the garage is getting rather full[:)] . Having never done this before in France

could someone let me know what I have to do with regards to the legal side (documents, registration number etc).

The bike is a UK bike but registered in France.


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Standard procedure for selling a motor vehicle - all details and links to necessary documents are provided on your prefecture website.

But seeing it's you....

1.  Obtain a certificat de situation/non gage to give to the buyer proving there's no outstanding finance or legal oppositions registered against the bike.

2.  Complete a certificat de cession (transfer of ownership) passing title to the buyer.  Give one copy to him, keep one copy for yourself and send the third copy to your prefecture within 15 days of the sale to notify them you are no longer the owner.

3.  Cross out the carte grise and mark it 'vendu le (date)', enter the buyer's name and address on the detachable coupon and hand the whole carte grise over to him.

4.  Bank the cheque and open a bottle of wine......





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SD, many thanks for the information. I just wanted to make sure I did not miss anything.

mark224 - Having just added a Moto Guzzi Norge to the stable we have a Kawasaki KLE 500 which is

surplus to requirements. The GTRs are NOT going! (to much fun).


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Hello Liz,  When I read your last post, I did turn a slight shade of green . I've been thinking about a Norge for sometime, however I can not find an agent for Guzzi in dept 17 who has a demo model .  May I ask if you purchased in France , and did you manage a test ride ?


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I've liked the look of the Norge since I first saw one in a Guzzi dealership in the UK.

I looked at a secondhand one for sale in a bike shop in Den Haag, a 2006 model, but they were

asking over 10,000 euros for it (gulp). On a recent trip to the UK to see our daughters we

spotted a 2007 model, 6000 mile example, for sale in a dealers. It was spotless and the price was

a lot less than here on the mainland. So we haggled on the price and eventually got it

for around £6000 (bargain). Brought it over a couple of weeks ago and am now waiting for the

COC to register it here.

If you get a chance I would suggest buying one from the UK as it works out a lot cheaper than here in France.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a soft spot for KLE500s...you still got it?

I had a Y Reg import which served me well as a commuting machine until a taxi decided to mow me down whilst allowing a pedestrian to cross on a zebra crossing (I kid you not)

Nice utility bikes sometimes let down by extremely lurid paintjobs and camshafts made of cheese.

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