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I cannot see the reason for mass rides it isn't fun.

I also wouldn't have gone because I do not support the government, the military their ethos and the waste of lives and money.

Using motorcyclists to support a corrupt regime is despicable - I do feel very sorry for the people that had no other job open to them than to sell themselves for war.

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Dog - that's enough - please.

You might not 'see the reason'....but the people of Wotton Bassett, the families of the military and nyone who has a member of their family serving in the Armed Forces b----y well do appreciate it.

Please keep your comments to yourself - it's an extremely sensitive subject for some of us.

You might not approve of this 'war';  I don't want to go into the rights and wrongs or anything about this - but we are talking about people and peoples families.    All these bikers - and others - are doing is showing their support for the FAMILIES concerned -  it is NOT a political protest - it is for the FAMILIES - and if you don't get it - then please don't be so scornful of support that is being shown by ordinary people for families in time of deep mourning and distress.

You should be ashamed of yourself.


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I see you bought into the propaganda. It is an extremely sensitive subject and it is very worrying that the government and army enjoy this support to give solace to the families of those that have died for a cause that never was.

Why is that all the english can agree on is war?

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I agree Dog, I think the bikers should have rode to Tony Blairs home and voiced their contempt for his bl00dy war!!!!!!

But I guess the powers in charge  would not have allowed that in our "free land" and the Police would have put a stop to it.

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[quote user="Dog"]

I cannot see the reason for mass rides it isn't fun.

I also wouldn't have gone because I do not support the government, the military their ethos and the waste of lives and money.

Using motorcyclists to support a corrupt regime is despicable - I do feel very sorry for the people that had no other job open to them than to sell themselves for war.



The ride was not in support of the Govt, it was not even in support of the Military. It was in support of those members of the Military who have either died in action or have been injured, also in support of the families that are left to cope. It was also a mark of respect to those still serving and to the people of Wooton Bassett who show thjeir own respect for the fallen.

You are free, as we all are, to support whoever you wish, you are free to deride the Military.   That freedom has been bought in blood over centuries by the Military of the day, who have given their lives so that you can make crass comments.

Your attitude is a gross insult to those who defend the country, to those of us who have served in that defence and in particular to those who died in that service.

Your sanctimonious sorrow as stated in your quote is, quite frankly, sickening.


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[quote user="elamessa"]Powerdesal I totally agree with your sentiments.

Dog should be ignored then maybe he will go away and annoy some other forum

I think he was here before you, so perhaps if you dont like his comments you should go and post elsewhere. If someone does not agree with you why should they have to "go away"?

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[quote user="ebaynut"]

[quote user="elamessa"]Powerdesal I totally agree with your sentiments.

Dog should be ignored then maybe he will go away and annoy some other forum


I think he was here before you, so perhaps if you dont like his comments you should go and post elsewhere. If someone does not agree with you why should they have to "go away"?


Unfortunately i will not be going anywhere.

I joined this forum for the wealth of good information it offers. Some of which I have used.

I did not join to read comments that will no doubt affect anyone who has/had their families serving with our armed forces in the past, present and future.

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Powerdesals emotive words have little relation to what is going on in Afghanistan.

These are not conscripts fighting for the defence of their realm, these are highly trained professionals who chose this career, they have billions of pounds worth of equipment and are using it to a useless, wasteful and immoral end.

Seems to me the troops knowingly join up, do not question the orders of the government and their military masters, don't seem to realise it's not glamorous and a rather dangerous occupation and then some of these people pay the dreadful price for the choice they made. Well they should think before they take the shilling. I would respect them if they had the wherewithall to protest and lay down their arms and refuse to take part.

UK would be a far better place to live if it didn't waste lives and billions on defending a country no one would want.



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How DARE you say I have 'bought into the propoganda'.

Dog - I really find your comments offensive;  if you want to talk about the rights and wrongs of war, of young men in battle, of the history of the French in Haiti and South America, the Spanish Conquest of South America, the Germans and WW1 or WW2, the Japanese, the Turkish Empire, the Genocide of the Armenians, the invasion of Cyrprus, France's colonial imperial past in Africa or any other war-mongering then I would be happy to deabte with you.   And make my feelings plain.

But I find your assumption that you know my feelings about the present conflict to be beyond the pale - and extremely patronising - you don't have a clue what my views are.    How b----y arrogant of you.

This is a post about motor-bikes - and a parade in support of the people of Wotton Bassett.

I don't think this thread should be hi-jacked so someone can start promoting their own - distorted - views on war or the present conflict or their feelings about war.

You want to do that - start a separate thread.


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Ooops - what have I started bringing this post to life !

Dog wrote - "I cannot see the reason for mass rides it isn't fun."

Sorry, dont agree - mass rides, love em, all that bike spotting, being part of the growl of all those exhausts - heaven!
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No I haven't read 'Three Cups of Tea' and I doubt you read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenace' -  how many of the militarists posting here ride motorcycles - do you?

Greg Mortenson would be better educating Americans (few of them read books) and trying to keep so many out of jail.

Getting back to motorcycles, three bikes is about max for swift progress more than that just slows things down.

I cannot think of a worse way to show yout feelings than burning hydrocarbons - this wasteful war is causing damage not just to humans but to the environment and wasting lots of fuel. It is a criminal waste of resources.

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Greg Mortenson would be better educating Americans (few of them read books) 

If Greg Mortenson didn't educate Americans he would be unable to do the work he does. As for 'few of them reads book'  all the one I know, do.

People show their feelings how they feel fit, they don't ask for approval.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Greg Mortenson would be better educating Americans (few of them read books) 

If Greg Mortenson didn't educate Americans he would be unable to do the work he does. As for 'few of them reads book'  all the one I know, do.

People show their feelings how they feel fit, they don't ask for approval.



Beautifully put (not)  - I never ask for approval - all the many Americans do not read much - but with a masive population a large amount do.

Somehow I think Mr Mortenson does not believe in war for education.

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I never ask for approval

 I wasn't referring to you asking for approval

If you had read Three Cups of Tea perhaps the penny would have dropped about why there is a military force in Afghanistan and why it is pretty likely there will be one there in an  ongoing basis.


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

I never ask for approval

 I wasn't referring to you asking for approval

If you had read Three Cups of Tea perhaps the penny would have dropped about why there is a military force in Afghanistan and why it is pretty likely there will be one there in an  ongoing basis.



I can see education for the female is something you aspire to.

Perhaps if billions were not being wasted on this war education could be significantly improved in the United Kingdom.

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[quote user="Dog"]

No I haven't read 'Three Cups of Tea' and I doubt you read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenace' -  how many of the militarists posting here ride motorcycles - do you?

Greg Mortenson would be better educating Americans (few of them read books) and trying to keep so many out of jail.

Getting back to motorcycles, three bikes is about max for swift progress more than that just slows things down.

I cannot think of a worse way to show yout feelings than burning hydrocarbons - this wasteful war is causing damage not just to humans but to the environment and wasting lots of fuel. It is a criminal waste of resources.


Yeah, anyway, like you said - back to the bikes. This is a 'Motorcycling' sub forum - not a War one!
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Surely you are not saying that the bikers only used war just to go and have fun on their bikes? If so it would be seriously disrespectful to the families of lost soldiers. So would it be if it is a anti-muslim demo. If it is going to happen, you've got to make it clear, to yourself first, what it is about.

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