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I have just got back from the north of carcassonne these were the views while out walking






edit sorry photoshop normally makes them the right size dont know why it hasnt [:(]

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Hi P, you forgot to say how far away those Pair-a-knees mountains are too. I recon that they are about 130 miles from your place. What a fantastic view and really lovely photos. Much better view than when we ll went up there last!!

It has been incredibly clear for you this time and we hope that you can get back again soon!

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Hi,  Yep we had a great time the weather was fantastic the mountains looked so close with all the snow on them, photos never do the views justice do they ?

They had to drag me screaming onto the plane but I will be back soon  

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Pads your photos are wonderful...  I love that area of France and dream one day of maybe owning a house where I can see the snow capped pyrenees in the distance... if easy transport links to and from the UK to France not have been such a big factor for us, this would have been the area we would have searched... but for now our home and our own lovely view will do for us!  Maybe we just need to have a little trip down south soon!  [:)]
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Hi Rose,with flights from Satnsted, East Midlands and Liverpool to Carcassonne and Bristol and gawd knows where else to Toulouse there's no shortage of links to this part of the world..

Can't quite see the Pair-a-knees form the kitchen window today!![:D]

Shut up john or you will have loads of hoity toity here!![:-))][8-|]

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Hey Pads, et al,

It's been a spectacular week here for views of the  - we took a trip up to the ski station at Mont d'Olmes on Sunday but could see the mountains from here in Castelnaudary!

Sometimes, you can go for weeks without seeing the mountains and others, they leap out at you without warning. [:-))]

Here's a couple of pics I took this week:

The Pyrénées - from near Mirepoix:


The Pyrénées - from near Léran:


Mont d'Olmes Ski Station:


The Pyrénées - from Castelnaudary:


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I'll second that wow ..................... I feel like I there again, Loverly pics . Did you (do you ?) go sking? I have never done it but would love a go.

Where is the canal picture is it in the centre of castlenautry or on the out sides? Post more if you have them I love seeing pics of my soon to be home area.

After a good chat with hubby he says if I could get a part time job to cover my spending habits , we could move , Im not very optermistic with the state of my french but if you hear of anything let me know cos im desperate to move, I need in the region of 5/600 quid a month to cover my spending , I dont care what it is as long as I dont have to be cruel to animals.   

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Cheers Twinkle + Pads, I love taking photos around here and am becoming obsessed with sunrises + sunsets, fog, etc - very sad!  [:$]  I think there's another thread for sunsets, etc so I might post some on that later . . .

Pads, here's another couple - one of the Canal du Midi from the lock in Castelnaudary:


and one of the town looking across the Grand Bassin (with the canal and lock behind me when I took the photo):


BTW, I'll keep an eye out for any jobs for you Pads but I think it would be easier for you to do it once you're here - chicken + egg situation tho' if you can't move until you get a job! [8-)][:)]

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Really nice ones miaou, We have walked from town to trebes on the canal thats going the other way to you , we said we were going to walk your way this time but in the end we never had the time in the end, still maybe next time, have you walked in to carcassonne on the towpath? how far distance /time is it ? It took us about 6 hours from Car to trebes but we did stop there for lunch, it was a loverly walk. we were looking forward to going the other way.

[blink]     Yes I know what you mean Im going to have to work harder on him, if I cant find anything , next year Im thinking of taking a 6 month career break ( which means I can go back to my job after but sadley they dont pay me) if I cant find any thing after the 6 months come back, but it would leave me free to grab anything that comes up.

I like to play with my camera too, Im not very good, if I wasnt taking my french lessons I was going to take lessons on to use it better , but dont have the time as french takes all my spare time    

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I don't really do walking Pads ([:$]) apart from taking the dog out occasionally. [:)]  However, we had some very fit folks staying here last summer and they walked the towpath from Castelnaudary to Bram (maybe half-way to Carca?) and it took them about 4 hours.  Maybe if my diet works this year, I might be tempted to do a bit more . . . watch this space. [:-))]

Good luck with the job-hunting - hope something turns up so you can follow your dream.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I remembered this thread of Frenchie's and her photos of the Lake District and thought I would add some of my own. It proves the weather can be glorious there in the winter as well.[:)] We were there for four days last weekend and it was glorious. It was cold in the morning and night (but still gorgeous and sunny) but we sat outside in the afternoons for lunch in the warm sunshine with our little dog. Not bad for February!

I have never been there but fell in love with the area. Dare I say, not too many parts of France hold a patch. [:)] Those of you from the area should be very proud indeed.  Just hope no one complains about me posting too many photos, I can't choose between them.[:)]














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It really is a beautiful area. Frenchie, no daffodils yet but could sense they would be coming soon. [:)] I would love to see the area in spring, the mountains covered in bright green grass must be a sight to see.

This photo is in the Yorkshire Dales. It isn't a very good one and certainly doesn't do it justice at all but I also fell in love with this area. I know many of us here love new builds with good reason particularly when they are planned well. But have to say, not a new build in site in the open countryside and not any built next to ancient buildings in the entire region and we drove and explored many, many miles. [:)] How do they do it?


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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Have you been following my footsteps ?? [:D]

We also went to the Yorkshire dales during the festive season, it was just beautiful indeed..

Next place planned for a visit : I d like to see Hadrian wall....... See you there for some nice pics... [:D]


Me too!  I will be looking out for your photos.[:D]

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