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My ninety year old neighbour..


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.. in his natural habitat his 'office'. I call him the Captain and salute him and he returns the salute and calls me the General.


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Such a typical look for frenchies of that age - several around here.

On the other hand husband has a jacket and shoes and cap like that! Not the trouseres though - they like to wear thick corduroy in the winter.

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Here is the Captains wife who is a couple of years younger. She is Polish but came to France when she was six years old. I call her the Chef.

She is standing on what I call the Titanic platform that their sons built as the steps down from their house are very steep and the Captain used to fall down them on occasion.

It was getting worrying as the Chef cannot pick him up and if we didn't see him from our kitchen window they were in trouble.


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