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Does anyone know, or would be prepared to tell me, if there is a recognised way of behaving when summoned to the Mairie for an informal meeting in an attempt to diffuse a boundary dispute?

Not only was my usage and knowledge of the French language sadly lacking but I observed that our ""opponents"" were on first name terms with the Maire and were seen to exchange "bisous" - is this correct? Does it indicate that we are automatically disadvantaged?

I observed that the Maire himself behaved in an exemplary fashion, and he was possibly manipulated by the other guys, but nevertheless I felt that the meeting was "loaded" and not in my favour.

I have an ongoing problem with these neighbours and for the past couple of years have chosen to ignore it and simply tolerate them, but they have now planted up and "claimed" a small piece of land which is kind of "the straw that breaks the camel's back", as it were. 

The cadastres show that the parcelle of land is ours but I understand that these maps are contestable!

I have "allowed" the people in question to use the land until December because he appeared to be worried about his tomato plants - despite having a huge garden, but come December what will happen?? This agreement was made at the Mairie but we have no record of it despite my request for the Maire to email me with a record of the meeting.

Because of their past behavoir I do not feel very inclined to help them to prove that the land is in fact theirs!!! As seems to be the scene at the moment. The neighbour has requested that I send her my acte authentique which I could, but I do not want to send it, and I also feel that she could ask her notaire to do this rather than telling me to "hurry up" and get the matter settled.

I sincerely hope that I am not misunderstanding the French way of "doing things" but I would greatly appreciate a second opinion - any comments would be appreciated - thanks in advance. 

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Have you spoken to you Notaire? I certainly would. Is this land indicated on your paperwork?

People in the villages know one another. They don't always get on incidentally, but as a general rule everyone is known and more than often on bisous terms.


The Maire cannot take this land from you, if it is yours.

I would write to these people  and say that you are insisting on a bornage being done by an official geometre and they they will have to pay towards the bill as it is noted as yours on your paperwork. I would probably get the notaire to write this letter, even if it would cost me.



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It sounds as if you neighbour is trying it on and being a bit of a bully. Stand your ground and have no nonsense. But check you paperwork and the position of the bornes. There is no need to send the acte authentique as I imagine the neighbour can access it easily enough.
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Idun is correct, bornes are the way forward. A géometre could be split for the cost to decide the problem. As for the maire, don't forget he has lived there usually most of his life, knows everyone and could be related. He should be neutral but family loyalties are stronger than that but if found to be flouting the law, he could come in for some serious investigation. If you have a complaint, the association des maires for your dept are the overseeing body as is the prefecture. Never give anyone your original documents, always copies and the neighbour only has to go to the local hypothèque anyway for any land issues and plans etc.
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One constructive thing you can do is to register to vote in the local elections (provided it's your principal residence). Then at least the Maire has something to lose if he lets you down. As an EU citizen you're entitled to vote in local and european elections (but not national or regional).

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Yes but it is the elected elus who have the final vote for a new maire, regardless of how many votes he gets in the municipals. A candidate is always sought pre-voting, put on the list of candidates and when the new council is sworn in, it is they who vote for the maire and his/her adjoint(s). I've done it twice now so now the system well.
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Many thanks "idun" I am not eager to incur any costs concerning this matter and in fact at the end of the day I may allow my neighbours to have the piece of land, they may even prove that it is theirs - stranger things have happened.

My neighbour has said that she would bear all the costs for them to obtain this proof, so again I am very reluctant to actually do anything that may cost me.

The piece of land in question is small and I think that the neighbours will not attend to it once they feel that they have caused me enough grief, to have to part with cash would be the last straw.

I was curious to know if the "ACTE AUTHENTIQUES" were available to all and sundry and what the normal behavoir would be at an informal meeting at ones local Mairie.

Again many thanks I have been impressed by the level of interest shown by all.

Regards Charnizay.

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Many thanks "Val_2" I am not eager to incur any costs concerning this

matter and in fact at the end of the day I may allow my neighbours to

have the piece of land, they may even prove that it is theirs - stranger

things have happened.

My neighbour has said that she would bear all

the costs for them to obtain this proof, so again I am very reluctant to

actually do anything that may cost me.

The piece of land in

question is small and I think that the neighbours will not attend to it

once they feel that they have caused me enough grief, to have to part

with cash would be the last straw.

I was curious to know if the "ACTE

AUTHENTIQUES" were available to all and sundry and what the normal

behavoir would be at an informal meeting at ones local Mairie.

Again many thanks I have been impressed by the level of interest shown by all.

Regards Charnizay.
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Many thanks "pachapapa" I am not eager to incur any costs concerning this

matter and in fact at the end of the day I may allow my neighbours to

have the piece of land, they may even prove that it is theirs - stranger

things have happened.

My neighbour has said that she would bear all

the costs for them to obtain this proof, so again I am very reluctant to

actually do anything that may cost me.

The piece of land in

question is small and I think that the neighbours will not attend to it

once they feel that they have caused me enough grief, to have to part

with cash would be the last straw.

I was curious to know if the "ACTE

AUTHENTIQUES" were available to all and sundry and what the normal

behavoir would be at an informal meeting at ones local Mairie.

Again many thanks I have been impressed by the level of interest shown by all.

Also I had thought that my neighbour would behave in exactly the way that you suggested, they seem to be very tricky.

Regards Charnizay.
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Thank you for thanking us - not many do that. Hope you get sorted, its honestly not worth the grief if it dosn't really matter too much to you, friendship of neighbours is something money cannot buy if they are genuine and this may cement your relationship for many years to come. Have seen so many people on forums with disputes over land and neighbours and to be honest, many ofthem deserved their treatment,but this is different and life is far too short to worry if a big tattooed man is going to make your life hell or not
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