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There's a bit of youtube of a turner pro saying that if you satrt out with firewood then you finish up with firewood. Please excuse me if I've posted these photos before, but a while back I started out with this beech firewood


And finished up with this firewood


I tell porkies!! The horizontal rails on the trailer are turned bamboo 'cause it's stronger [:D] I've made 3, but this was the first and it's MINE [kiss]

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  • 2 months later...
That old TV cabinet really is revealing some nice shapes.

At one of the craft fairs we did in the U.K. a little lad came up and asked "how did you know that was in that bit of wood mister?" That really sums it up for me I think?

This is on of several things I have made recently. Any ideas what it is??


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It looks as if everyone else has done the same thing as you Eric, that puts you in good company?  So if there's no more guesses this morning I may get chance to look in later and put everyone out of their obvious misery. I'll keep an ear out for any replies [6]

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Correct PDS, smack on and truely akuraite mate, but you don't get away that easily. What kind of thingyforumtalkingpoint is it?

It wouldn't take long to read though. It's only got my initials pyrographed on the underside [8-|]

You could hang thingies on it, well not necessarly you you understand??

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Wrong again.

It's a jewelery stand for earings and things. [:-))]

The earings slot into the 'oles in the top bit and what you like in the tray bits. Really nice to make and I think they would grace any dressing table, but then again I is prejudiced init [blink]

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  • 8 months later...
Being as we have just had a moon eclipse I have managed to get back in my workshop to carry on with my own moon phase again..


But it isn't just a plain bit and I thought about time. So, time it was


The base, upright, pins and clock body are ash and the moon is oak. It was a right awd game to get it centred but I like it..


the clock I made something totally different and quite practicle. I

haven't made one for ages. The last one was for the cousin of SWMBO


When it's shut the reals are really safe, but when you open it up they are really easy to real off, really


Good 'ere int
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  • 3 months later...
Further to my 'moon phase' I found a couple more hiding in a small square of English elm that came with us from England 11 years back. It is truly to see just what hides in a bit of wood and elm has such a lovely grain



I have turned a few single moons now and wondered if it would be feasible to hang one inside the other? It is, and I quite like the result.

So, our trans Atlantic cousins think they have found another planet outsside Pluto, well I found too in a lump of elm  :O3  :O3

Nearly forgot!! They will be a part of a 70th present for a good friend on Sunday..
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  • 1 month later...
I made and gave another bobbin rack to a friend the other day. She was quite chuffed with it Then a good friend gave us a porcelain leaf for our 5th wed anniversary. That's what you get for 20 years  of obeying SWMBO  [:-))]

I really liked the leaf and thought that one would look nice  in wood. I sorted out a lump of leylandii and started. This is what was in there


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Well, I have to admit that I have lost some weight and my cold has nearly cleared up. My neck is still a bit stiff though[8-)][8-)]

Ermmmmm [Www] ta Mint. Love what you do, it makes it so much easier and I love what I do. The greatest thrill of it is to see all of the different things appear when you stop the lathe. It's never the same.

20 odd years back I didn't even want to try turning. Now, I can't stop! I now have a collection of some of the most beautiful wood shaving you have ever seen [:-))]

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Well, I have to admit that I have lost some weight and my cold has nearly cleared up. My neck is still a bit stiff though[8-)][8-)]

Ermmmmm [Www] ta Mint. Love what you do, it makes it so much easier and I love what I do. The greatest thrill of it is to see all of the different things appear when you stop the lathe. It's never the same.

20 odd years back I didn't even want to try turning. Now, I can't stop! I now have a collection of some of the most beautiful wood shaving you have ever seen [:-))]

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