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But how is payment made?


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The below refers to the cost of applying for French nationality,

À compter du 1er janvier 2011, la demande de naturalisation est soumise à un droit de timbre de 55 € . Cette taxe se règle au moyen d'un timbre fiscal mention "OMI".

But can payment be made by cheque ?
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[quote user="Gardener"]The below refers to the cost of applying for French nationality, À compter du 1er janvier 2011, la demande de naturalisation est soumise à un droit de timbre de 55 € . Cette taxe se règle au moyen d'un timbre fiscal mention "OMI". But can payment be made by cheque ?[/quote]


The first one I had to buy was for my carte de sejour. I went into the bureau de poste and asked for one. The clerk looked at me like I was mad, don't buy timbre fiscal here, so I asked where and she said the Tabac. And when we needed them, which we seemed to fairly frequently that is where we bought them. Also that is where we used to buy our road tax too, at the tabac....... be silly buying it at an official office, now wouldn't it.


I seem to remember being told that it was yet another napoleonic law that said that the tabacs had to have some official function, but I never checked, so that may be wrong.


How do I know this and you are becoming french? this world is a very odd place indeed.

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How do I know this and you becoming French? this world is a very odd place indeed.

Never had to have a carte de sejour, but its your way of letting us all know again that you were in France long before we were.

I post on here when I need advice and help on things that I am admittedly unsure of and I am grateful for the help from helpful contributors.

You on the other hand, are back in the UK and must have too much time on your hands when you you post that a lamb stew is the most fantastic meal you've made in a long time! SAD
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I bought a timbre fiscal from the tabac but I cant for the life of me remember why, certainly I can still remember getting the little sticky thing to go on the windscreen each year, I was very lucky to live in a department with cheaper sticky paper things than in other parts of the metroplole.

If I have time I'll pop into Sylvie's and see if she can remember.

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[quote user="idun"]I seem to remember being told that it was yet another napoleonic law that said that the tabacs had to have some official function, but I never checked, so that may be wrong....[/quote]

For a shop owner to sell tobacco, he/she must meet several criteria imposed by the licensing body (Direction des Douanes).

One of the conditions imposed is the sale of products of public

utility like postal stamps, fiscal stamp, phone cards, public transport cards (in towns with public tranport)…

[quote user="idun"]be silly buying it at an official office, now wouldn't it.[/quote]

As specified in the link I posted earlier, the fiscal stamps can also be bought at the Trésor Public. As not every village has one, it makes sense to be able to buy them at the tabac.

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="idun"]I seem to remember being told that it was yet another napoleonic law that said that the tabacs had to have some official function, but I never checked, so that may be wrong....[/quote]

For a shop owner to sell tobacco, he/she must meet several criteria imposed by the licensing body (Direction des Douanes).

One of the conditions imposed is the sale of products of public utility like postal stamps, fiscal stamp, phone cards, public transport cards (in towns with public tranport)…

[quote user="idun"]be silly buying it at an official office, now wouldn't it.[/quote]

As specified in the link I posted earlier, the fiscal stamps can also be bought at the Trésor Public. As not every village has one, it makes sense to be able to buy them at the tabac.


Also SIE.

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Your post made me laugh.  Really it did. You are applying for nationality and couldn't even look up how to get something very basic in France. Things so truly absurd amuse me no end. Keep it up.


Incidentally carte de sejours are easily available.


And food is a great topic of conversation in France, did you know that? from the sound of it you didn't.  From the very simple to haute cuisine. Nothing is looked down on, as you apparently are doing. I'm sure that'll go down well with your new countrymen/women when you say they are sad for discussing their pot au feu.


I've been on the phone to France half the morning, we will be linked to France for the rest of our days.


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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="idun"]I seem to remember being told that it was yet another napoleonic law that said that the tabacs had to have some official function, but I never checked, so that may be wrong....[/quote]

For a shop owner to sell tobacco, he/she must meet several criteria imposed by the licensing body (Direction des Douanes).

One of the conditions imposed is the sale of products of public utility like postal stamps, fiscal stamp, phone cards, public transport cards (in towns with public tranport)…

[quote user="idun"]be silly buying it at an official office, now wouldn't it.[/quote]

As specified in the link I posted earlier, the fiscal stamps can also be bought at the Trésor Public. As not every village has one, it makes sense to be able to buy them at the tabac.



Thanks Clair, so what I was told was just about right then. I doubt I would have thought of going to what is the tax office of sorts, to get one either.

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[quote user="idun"]I doubt I would have thought of going to what is the tax office of sorts, to get one either. [/quote]

I see the Trésor Public as the tax Office bank , so it makes sense to me to go there for fiscal stamps.

As is the case for many villages, the nearest one to us is some km away and only opens a few hours 2 or 3 days a week... Thank goodness for the local tabac! [:)]

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[quote user="idun"]


Your post made me laugh.  Really it did. You are applying for nationality and couldn't even look up how to get something very basic in France. Things so truly absurd amuse me no end. Keep it up.


Incidentally carte de sejours are easily available.


And food is a great topic of conversation in France, did you know that? from the sound of it you didn't.  From the very simple to haute cuisine. Nothing is looked down on, as you apparently are doing. I'm sure that'll go down well with your new countrymen/women when you say they are sad for discussing their pot au feu.


I've been on the phone to France half the morning, we will be linked to France for the rest of our days.



Who said it was I that was applying? My question was could it be paid by cheque as the document that I did actually bother to look up didn't specifically say it couldn't.

I thought this was still a forum for discussing life in France?

The carte de sejour as I am sure you are aware, hasn't been needed by British people in France for a number of years. So whilst they may be easily availble, why get one if you don't need one ?

As for cooking, I enjoy all types of food and discussing different cuisines and other matters with our friends, but when they do discuss food, they don't continually blow their own trumpet! That's what's sad and the fact that you feel the need to be so patronising.
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[quote user="Lollie"]When my 20 year old son went to apply for French Nationality, he was told that he could not keep his British nationality and have French nationality so he walked away. True or not??[/quote]

Acquisition de la double nationalité

Un enfant né dans un pays étranger qui applique le droit

du sol se voit reconnaître la nationalité dudit pays et acquiert la

plupart du temps celle de ses parents, lorsque l'État dont ils sont les

ressortissants attribue la nationalité par filiation.

La double nationalité peut s'acquérir également par la

naturalisation, par la déclaration (mariage, mineur), par cession d'un

territoire ou accès à l'indépendance d'un État (cas de l'Algérie en


La loi française n'exige pas qu'un étranger devenu

français renonce à sa nationalité d'origine ou qu'un Français ayant

acquis une autre nationalité renonce à la nationalité française.

Acquisition of dual


A child born in a

foreign country that applies the law of the land is given the

nationality of that country and acquires most of the time that of his

parents, when the state of which they are nationals attributes

citizenship by descent.

Dual citizenship can be acquired also by

naturalization, by declaration (marriage, minor), by transfer of

territory or access to the independence of a state (case of Algeria

in 1962).

French law does not require a foreigner who becomes a

French national renounces his original nationality or that French had

acquired another nationality renounce French nationality.



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'Incidentally carte de sejours are easily available'

Oh no they aren't. I've tried and in frustration I went to the maire who rang on my behalf only to be told they are no longer necessary and therefore will not issue me with one. I wanted it for ID for an official purpose. As I don't drive I don't have a licence so I now carry my passport with me everywhere.

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