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English food shop ?


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I have heard there is an English shop in Montmorillion (sp ). I have never been to that town so does anyone know where the shop is, if it exists. We thought we would take a drive out this afternoon and may decided to go there for a look around.
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Dept number  86 I think and I have tried for ages on Google. Never mind, we will go there and have a look around. The only thing that I would be interested in buying would be Bacon Joints for boiling or roasting, other than that not much else would appeal to us as we can buy most of what we need here in France.
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Val, here's an address I found by Googling... not sure whether it's what you're looking for. Take a peek at the adverts on Anglo info, there are other food suppliers that you might be interested to visit while you're in Montmorillon. ( a bacon butcher for example)

Finegans Rainbow
: Grocers at 3 rue St-Martial, Montmorillon (86)

selling English foods including hand-made imported jams, marmalades and

condiments. Also, books and greetings cards.

Edit: sorry, the butcher is at Montmorillon market on Weds.  website HERE

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Hi ValB

We love boiling bacon & have always pressure cooked them.

I now get mine vaccuum packed from our local Attac supermarket & they are really superb. They are demi-sel, so I don't have to pre-soak them & they come out as tender & tasty as you could wish for.

I've also bought them from Champion, Leader price & Carrefour & they were all very tasty.

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We found the English shop called Finnegans Rainbow and what lovely people they were. As we had driven for almost two hours ( got lost ) they made us a cuppa while we looked around. Unfortunately, they did not have Bacon Joints but I did buy some bits from them. Thank you for letting me know that I may be able to get them here in the Supermarches you  mentioned so I will be off again next week on my search. Once again, thank you for all your help.
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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone


Sure I saw posting on here the other day re a wonderful fish and chip van but thought out of my area so did not make a note.

Today met someone at Chinon Brocante and they told me about one just  north of Varennes (near Saumur).  I have forgotten the name of the village - can anyone help please?



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