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France is getting a bit pricey?

milkeybar kid

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

I'm with Q. When stuff cheap, if it doesn't "go off" then I do stock pile.  Something I can do more easily here as I have more outbuildings to stuff things in!

One thing about cars though, is that they depreciate so much less here.  You pay more,but get more as  trade in.  The money I got from my insurance company for my three year old write-off paid for a newer car with fewer ks on the clock and a year's warranty from the dealership.  That would never have happened in the UK where the payments from insurance companies barely buy a jalopy most of the time, let alone replace in any way what you lose.

A friend of mine (French) has just paid 1,000€ for a fifteen year old Passat with 200,000ks on the clock.  Imagine getting £900 for anything like that in the UK.


Cooperlola, at last someone with a sensible outlook on life in France. I can't believe what I am reading on this forum about the cost of living in France. It beggars the question of why people move here? We live here because we love the way of life and culture, the calmness and tranquillity, we love the fact that people here have great civic pride in their towns and villages, We love the fact that we can go out of a night and not face the prospect of feral teenagers  terrorising the neighbourhood and  not having to avoid the drunks rolling around the town centres. If you came here to find a cheap cost of living then maybe France is not the greatest place in the world, I am not an expert on shopping, but my wife who is, says France is no dearer than the UK, somethings are more expensive but some things are cheaper, and she says if you are a materialistic person then anywhere is expensive. That makes sense to me. As for Norman who pays 1929Euro per annum for local taxes, I can't imagine where you live but it certainly 'aint in the Loir Et Cher mate.

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[quote user="Quillan"]I read that too but I don't seem to have had a problem in the past. A guy from the local fire station says its to do with pressure building up in the plastic can due to the heat of summer. He also said if you live in a place where you get fires then it's not so safe to store it in your garage. My brother-in-law who used to be the Station Office in a London suburb said he would be more worried about all the gas cylinders you see in supermarkets and under peoples sinks for their hobs than he would about paraffin stored in a garage.[/quote]

Thank you, Q, will tell OH and stop him worrying![:D]

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[quote user="NickP"]I can't believe what I am reading on this forum about the cost of living in France. It beggars the question of why people move here? We live here because we love the way of life and culture, the calmness and tranquillity, we love the fact that people here have great civic pride in their towns and villages, We love the fact that we can go out of a night and not face the prospect of feral teenagers  terrorising the neighbourhood and  not having to avoid the drunks rolling around the town centres. If you came here to find a cheap cost of living then maybe France is not the greatest place in the world, I am not an expert on shopping, but my wife who is, says France is no dearer than the UK, somethings are more expensive but some things are cheaper, and she says if you are a materialistic person then anywhere is expensive. That makes sense to me. As for Norman who pays 1929Euro per annum for local taxes, I can't imagine where you live but it certainly 'aint in the Loir Et Cher mate.[/quote]

Hmmm, NickP, NormanH lives in the 'real' France - you know the cities...where they have poverty, unemployment and violence, where there are large numbers of immigrants, high crime rates...bit like the UK city you clearly left behind.  From your posts I am guessing you live in rural France - which is just as buccolic, has the same 'community spirit' and lack of crime as...the Cotswolds, Yorkshire Dales, Peak District, Snowdonia... but where a leg of lamb is five times the price it is in the UK!!

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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="cooperlola"]

I'm with Q. When stuff cheap, if it doesn't "go off" then I do stock pile.  Something I can do more easily here as I have more outbuildings to stuff things in!

One thing about cars though, is that they depreciate so much less here.  You pay more,but get more as  trade in.  The money I got from my insurance company for my three year old write-off paid for a newer car with fewer ks on the clock and a year's warranty from the dealership.  That would never have happened in the UK where the payments from insurance companies barely buy a jalopy most of the time, let alone replace in any way what you lose.

A friend of mine (French) has just paid 1,000€ for a fifteen year old Passat with 200,000ks on the clock.  Imagine getting £900 for anything like that in the UK.


Cooperlola, at last someone with a sensible outlook on life in France. I can't believe what I am reading on this forum about the cost of living in France. It beggars the question of why people move here? We live here because we love the way of life and culture, the calmness and tranquillity, we love the fact that people here have great civic pride in their towns and villages, We love the fact that we can go out of a night and not face the prospect of feral teenagers  terrorising the neighbourhood and  not having to avoid the drunks rolling around the town centres. If you came here to find a cheap cost of living then maybe France is not the greatest place in the world, I am not an expert on shopping, but my wife who is, says France is no dearer than the UK, somethings are more expensive but some things are cheaper, and she says if you are a materialistic person then anywhere is expensive. That makes sense to me. As for Norman who pays 1929Euro per annum for local taxes, I can't imagine where you live but it certainly 'aint in the Loir Et Cher mate.


And I can't believe someone who can make such generalisations about 'France' with apparently no knowledge of what is reported every day

I can't believe what I am reading on this forum about the cost of

living in France. It beggars the question of why people move here?

Ah so the reasons for moving to France are materialistic ?

Did you see the programme about students who are queuing up to take a tiny room at 600 euros a month, and do you know the  old people who can't afford the cost of health care (transport or 'dépassement des horaires' for example)

Are all we economic or health tourists?


live here because we love the way of life and culture,

Admirable, but a bit general. Does that 'love'  include hunting, bullfighting, the complexities of the administration and the corruption of politicians?

The culture of drink-driving? (see below)

Or how about the old people who die alone and forgotten, or the villages bitterly divided over petty issues?

I don't find all that many Brits who enjoy French TV, theatre, or know much about French music.  But perhaps that isn't 'culture'.

 the calmness and


And the burning of cars and dustbins, the interracial riots, the frequent strikes and demonstrations, the increasing anger of farmers who dump their produce?

Or the 18% rise in armed holdups?

we love the fact that people here have great civic pride

in their towns and villages

 We love the fact that we can go out of a

night and not face the prospect of feral teenagers  terrorising the

neighbourhood and  not having to avoid the drunks rolling around the

town centres.

You obviously don't live in a 'cité', but you might well be "housejacked" ( see my post on the subject a few days ago)  even in the country. As for the drunks they are more likely to kill you rolling along the road.

There was a 17,7 rise in road deaths in September  even over the previous figures which are about double those in the UK

 If you came here to find a cheap cost of living then

maybe France is not the greatest place in the world, I am not an expert

on shopping, but my wife who is, says France is no dearer than the UK,

somethings are more expensive but some things are cheaper, and she says

if you are a materialistic person then anywhere is expensive. That

makes sense to me.

I don't know about prices in the UK. I thought that this thread was about how things were getting more expensive in France.

Perhaps you wife can provide figures to prove the opposite, since she is an expert.

These figures help to show that the price rises aren't in fact as high as they feel:


 As for Norman who pays 1929Euro per annum for local

taxes, I can't imagine where you live but it certainly 'aint in the

Loir Et Cher mate.

So you don't think that such figures exist?

Have a look at this table


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[quote user="sweet 17"]Norman, I admire you for trying to counter some of the grossly ignorant comments you find on here.

I personally do not have the energy or the inclination but you keep up the good work![:D][/quote]

Same here!

I prefer to keep my blood pressure low [:D]

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Let us turn this on its head; because Normie Baby chooses to live in a barrel in a ropey, rough area, full of those people, why should most of us who live in nice peaceful rural France have to submit to his analysis. Afeter all, would someone who lives in Mayfair have to admit Streatham, for example?
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Wools, can you speak in more than words of one syllable?

Why what?  Why bear things in mind as per Clair's post?  Why are we arguing on here?  Why do we have to believe Norman?

What is it?

Why?  I don't know what "why" you mean?

Can you please elaborate?

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In reply to Norman,

 No I don't live in a city, that was my choice. As where you live is your choice

My wife, as I said is an expert on shopping and she the "expert" said, and I will say this slowly as you obviously had a problem reading what I said, "That somethings are dearer in France and somethings are cheaper".

What has "Brits" who do not enjoy French TV, theatre or French Music, got to do with my admiration of French culture.

I have no problems with hunting, as for bull fighting I am not to keen so I do not attend or support bullfights. I suppose you believe that there is no hunting in the UK , or you didn't see the reports of a huge increase in organised dog fighting in the UK

Students queueing for rooms, what has that to do with my enjoyment of living in France?

Crooked politicians; excuse me read the Torygraph about UK mp's and their expenses.And employing illegal immigrants on the cheap

And the burning of cars and dustbins, the interracial riots, the frequent strikes and demonstrations, Not in my village cocker, once again that is why we love it.

No knowledge of what is reported, that sir is your opinion , but I would suggest that you read correctly what other people write and reply to their opinions and observations and not your fantasies.

 So Norman carry on paying your 1929Euro taxes and carry on complaining, I will carry on paying my 1000Euro and be very happy living where I do.

After all we moved to France to experience a better life style than we had in the UK, not to save money, if we weren't experiencing that we would go back to the UK.

To sum it all up, the "expert" and I do not think that it is getting any dearer to live in France than it is in the |UK.

So Norman if you want peace and quiet and a slow pace of life, and lower taxes move to the Loir Et Cher

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[quote user="NickP"]

In reply to Norman,

 No I don't live in a city, that was my choice. As where you live is your choice

My wife, as I said is an expert on shopping and she the "expert" said, and I will say this slowly as you obviously had a problem reading what I said, "That somethings are dearer in France and somethings are cheaper".

What has "Brits" who do not enjoy French TV, theatre or French Music, got to do with my admiration of French culture.

I have no problems with hunting, as for bull fighting I am not to keen so I do not attend or support bullfights. I suppose you believe that there is no hunting in the UK , or you didn't see the reports of a huge increase in organised dog fighting in the UK

Students queueing for rooms, what has that to do with my enjoyment of living in France?

Crooked politicians; excuse me read the Torygraph about UK mp's and their expenses.And employing illegal immigrants on the cheap

And the burning of cars and dustbins, the interracial riots, the frequent strikes and demonstrations, Not in my village cocker, once again that is why we love it.

No knowledge of what is reported, that sir is your opinion , but I would suggest that you read correctly what other people write and reply to their opinions and observations and not your fantasies.

 So Norman carry on paying your 1929Euro taxes and carry on complaining, I will carry on paying my 1000Euro and be very happy living where I do.

After all we moved to France to experience a better life style than we had in the UK, not to save money, if we weren't experiencing that we would go back to the UK.

To sum it all up, the "expert" and I do not think that it is getting any dearer to live in France than it is in the |UK.

So Norman if you want peace and quiet and a slow pace of life, and lower taxes move to the Loir Et Cher


So MrP lives in a small rural village and so has a narrow blinkered view of France, does not have a grasp of French socioeconomics (viz has not integrated) and, as the only thing still cheaper in France than in the UK is wine, is clearly a pisshead. Ok, scrub the last comment - maybe he is integrating in some ways!!

Just as a matter of interest MrP are you a fluent French speaker and how long, exactly, have you lived and worked in France??

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