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Do you use Yves Rocher products?


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If you do, would you recommend them?

A few days ago, during boiling heat, I looked in my drawerfuls of "stuff" for something cooling to put on my feet.  I found a refreshing cream from Yves Rocher which when applied took only seconds to dry, had the effect of talc and made me want to put on my shoes and dance out of doors.  Dry, cool feet that smell of lavender in 41° heat = 1 happy bunny.  

I went on the Yves Rocher site to look for this product but it was obviously no longer in production though they did have a similar cream.  What amazed me was the prices which were amongst the lowest I had seen in France for "natural and bio" preparations.  Also, dozens of promos and soldes.  Not only that, free P & P from 15 euros!!!

So what I'm thinking is this.  Where is the catch?  Are the products any good?  Do they suit sensitive skin?

Does anyone have any knowledge, experience, opinions, svp?

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There is a shop in Périgueux too, Hoddy.  But it'll have to be on-line for me as it's the other side of Périgueux from us and Périgueux has had road works for years and nobody other than ambulance drivers know how to negotiate the streets!

I trust your judgment, Hoddy, and I think I'll buy some of their "volumizing" shampoo.  Though my hair's grown back, it is now very fine and I am conscious of the bald patch on top of my head[:-))]

Still, it looks to be nice hair, much better than I could hope to expect, it just lacks shine and body.  I also have an excellent hairdresser and she always makes me feel like a filmstar when I leave the salon.  She does nothing more than cut it, lol, so I will have to look for a very small budget film to star in!

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[quote user="mint"]
There is a shop in Périgueux too, Hoddy.  But it'll have to be on-line for me as it's the other side of Périgueux from us and Périgueux has had road works for years and nobody other than ambulance drivers know how to negotiate the streets!

I trust your judgment, Hoddy, and I think I'll buy some of their "volumizing" shampoo.  Though my hair's grown back, it is now very fine and I am conscious of the bald patch on top of my head[:-))]

Still, it looks to be nice hair, much better than I could hope to expect, it just lacks shine and body.  I also have an excellent hairdresser and she always makes me feel like a filmstar when I leave the salon.  She does nothing more than cut it, lol, so I will have to look for a very small budget film to star in!


Mint, I've been told I have partial alopecia, so have a job covering the balder patches. My hair has never recovered from chemo 11 years ago. Mind you I've always had very fine, dead straight hair, so when growing back I was hoping for thicker and curlier locks . Sadly didn't happen.

Maybe I'll give Ives Rocher a try, I've heard their products are good. Good luck.
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Mogs, when I have tried the shampoo, I'll be back to let you know.  Incidentally, when I was looking the site over, I found a shampoo "anti chute", so do go and have a look.

My hair isn't falling more than normal, it's just very, very fine but I don't mind that.

I take Biotin (VitB 7) for hair and nails.  Took a few weeks for results but after that, all the black tinge in my nails (finger and toes) disappeared and they are now nice with healthy looking nail beds.  And the hair is certainly growing at a rate of knots!  A bit thin at the top but that could be a function of just getting old[:-))]

If you haven't tried, Biotin, it's worth a go!  After all, it's not going to harm you and it might very well benefit your hair.

Good luck, Mogs!  Don't forget to look here in a few days' time when I will have tried the shampoo[:)]

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Thanks Mint I will look up the biotin. Which site do you use, or do Holland and Barrett UK have it? I tried Kelp for my nails but found no difference.

I'd love strong nails too, perhaps I'm asking too much ? look forward to hearing how you get on with the shampoo.

At the end of the day, thank goodness we're here, still to talk about it. Long may it continue ??
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Mogs, the one biotin tablet I am on at the moment is by BIOMENTA which I bought from Amazon.fr.  It also contains zinc and selenium.

I have used another one but I can't easily tell the difference between the more expensive one and this one described above.

As with nails, hair, skin, etc, you need to be patient and wait at least 6 weeks to 3  to see the effects because that's the time it takes for these structures to renew themselves.

Certainly, I have been thrilled with the results[:)]

RV here soon!

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Sue, if you are reading this, can you give us any information on their HQ in la Gacilly which is in your department?

For example, are they much in the local news, known for good works and fair practices, generally act in a manner you'd expect from such a large enterprise, allow visitors on conducted tours and so on?

Would be good to have some information other than commercial blurp[:)]

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mint wrote the following post at 05 Aug 2019 12:18:

Sue, if you are reading this, can you give us any information on their HQ in la Gacilly which is in your department?

For example, are they much in the local news, known for good works and fair practices, generally act in a manner you'd expect from such a large enterprise, allow visitors on conducted tours and so on?

Would be good to have some information other than commercial blurp.

There are 3 sites not far from each other at La Gacilly .. the botanic gardens and the labs are outside the centre, not far from the headquarters.

Guided tours are available .. not sure about all year round though.

Generally Yves Rocher has a good reputation.

The headquarters is down by the river .. many forms of boat to be hired to meander on the waterway .. so all positive.

La Gacilly is not large and is usually packed with thronging visitors throughout July and August as La Gacilly also hosts throughout the streets an exhibition of enormous photographs relating to a different theme each year.

This year the theme is L'Est :


Worth a visit but I would stick to September ☺
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Thanks, Sue, great post!

I found your link full of interest.  I have always liked 56, been there a fair few times.  Also like the Cote d'Amor and Ile est Villaine but have never been to Finistere.

You have spiked my interest and may well visit in the autumn.

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As well as photos here, there and everywhere there are also loads of small ateliers belonging to artisans of every description .

This might give you an idea : https://www.la-gacilly.fr/vie-economique/les-artisans-darts

... and that's d'arts and not darts ☺

Plus : https://www.broceliande-vacances.com/decouvrir/incontournables/villes-villages/la-gacilly/

We went to a part of Finistère that we didn't know for 8 days in June and it was magic .. even with rather damp weather. I am very keen to return for a longer spell as there is so much to see so we could only see parts of it in our week there.
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Oh, Sue, you have brought back many moments of nostalgia for me!

One look at the map on your second link, and I was back eating snails in Malestroit and drinking with the host in our B & B in St Jean Brévelay[:)]

As for the Brocéliande forest, I have walked there and it was magic (I mean as in fairies and goblins and not as in 'it's amazin', ain't it?')

The artisans' link is fascinating and I can see I'd better bring plenty of money for shopping!!!

I am going to post your links to our Nordic Walks leader and see if I can finally persuade him that a visit to Brittany would be worthwhile.  I need to do some homework on accommodation, restos, etc but I will arm myself with information during this winter when there is not much going on in the garden so that I can present a good case at our next AGM

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[quote user="mogs"]

Mint, I've been told I have partial alopecia, so have a job covering the balder patches. My hair has never recovered from chemo 11 years ago. Mind you I've always had very fine, dead straight hair, so when growing back I was hoping for thicker and curlier locks . Sadly didn't happen.

Maybe I'll give Ives Rocher a try, I've heard their products are good. Good luck.[/quote]

Hi, Mogs, here I am, as promised, to tell you about the shampoo.  It came yesterday so I tried it last thing when I always take a shower.

Yup, does what it says on the tin "volume et matière".  My hair was sort of puffed up and bouncy.  As I have vowed to go to bed earlier in an effort to get myself out of resistent insomnia, I didn't blow dry it; I just went to bed.

I think if I had used a large roller brush and dried it, it would have been even fuller.  Woke up this morning and it's still puffy[:D]

Now I think I am going to get the shampoo that makes the hair shine and use that alternately with this one.  Incidentally I am nervous, as always, about the scent but it doesn't smell "perfumey", it just has a clean smell of green plants.

I also bought their hair mist which has the lightest of delightful perfume and I love walking around followed by a mist of delishness![:-))]

Pity in a way that I have finished my kiné sessions.  My last kiné is what delish too[:D][:P] 

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sounds brilliant Mint, thank you for posting back.

ATM I'm trying to let my hair go into a bob style again, it's at that difficult, in between stage so whatever I do it doesn't look like much. Mind you with the hot weather returning I have to pin as much up as I can as my neck and hair remain permanently wet.
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Hélas, Mog, can't get your link to work but here is the product:


Links are identical, so that is indeed the right shampoo!  Used it again last night and this morning, joy of joys, hair all puffed up AND just fell into place with a quick brush!  No need to wet it at the crown and blow dry it with a large roller brush NOR think of how some minion must be doing the same for Trump......urrggghhhh.....

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