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Jumping through hoops!


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It seems to be a national sport and I sometimes wonder whether the French actually prefer to be told where to jump,when to jump and how high.

I am waiting (and waiting and waiting) for soemthing to be delivered that i bought via E-bay.fr, I recently recieved this message from the seller:


Nous venons de mettre vos marchandises dans le colis, prêt à partir.
La FACTURE COMPTOIR N°***** (eBay : *********) vient d'être générée.

L'expédition comprend 1 Colis. URL de suivi du colis :

Vous pouvez télécharger vos factures en accédant à l'espace Mon compte : http://www.aeromax-pistoletpeinture.com//PS-EspacePersonnel-.aspx

IMPORTANT : Ceci est un e-mail automatique ; merci de ne pas y répondre car aucune demande ne serait lue.

Pour toute prise en charge de SAV la facture sera exigée, aucun duplicata de facture ne sera fourni passé 1 mois la date de facturation

So now you have to print off your own facture and have one month in which to do so or you can forget the guarantee [:(]

I thought that by law they had to give you a TVA facture with the goods?

Good job that I would rather pull my own teeth than actually consider returning anything faulty in France.

Even clicking the link to La Poste tells me that they have yet to "prise en charge" the parcel that was sent 2 days ago [:'(]

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