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taxe d habitation

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[quote user="brummie phil"]Hi, can anyone help me please.

I feel sure that I paid my taxe d habitation on as soon as it came in last year.I always pay my bills as soon as they come in.I have got to trawl through cheque books etc to make sure. [/quote]

At the risk of sounding overly severe, and taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut, closing the stable door, etc, could I suggest that you sign up for internet banking ? If you had had internet banking access at your fingertips when you received this demand then you would have been able to reassure yourself that you had already paid this bill by cheque, or not, with no sleepless nights involved. And all this by the simple expedient of bringing up your online account and verifying all details immediately without recourse to either phone calls or snail mail.

Apologies if this post offends, no offence intended.


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I have got internet banking, a French account and all set up with Paypal to boot.

My problem is that on the internet banking front, I can only get statements as far back as 3 months, so today I can't check all my cheques.

I have been very foolish by not filling in my cheque stubs, I will admit.But a lesson has been learned here.

We have owned the house for 3 years and have never had a bill as big as this one, so I will have to investigate this further tomorrow.

So to be honest, internet banking for me doesn't solve my problem. I need to find out if one of my cheques were for this taxe as I feel sure that I did pay it.

They should be able to tell me when they recieved my last payment and how much it was before, that's if I can get through to them when i phone tomorrow.,

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Have phoned the taxe people today, and they are going to drop the 10% charge.

I have sent them the bill with a covering letter asking if I can pay in instalments (they said I could on the phone).

I have asked them to tell me when they last received payment and how much it was etc. I sent it "signed for" so they will definitely know that they have had it.

If this all gets sent back to me (i won't hold my breath) Then I should be able to work out what's what.In France if you want them to find out what a cheque is for then you have to pay. I am not sure if you have to in England.So this is a last resort for me.They are sendng my missing statements though.

All in all a good day's work

And thanks for your help.
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I don't know with whom you bank in  France, Phil, but I do know that with Credit Agricole that if you go on to "paperless" statements (ie if you stop getting them posted) then they are available on line for two years.

Glad you seem to be getting to the bottom of it.  I'm rubbish at doing my cheque stubs too.  An object lesson for all of us.[:)]

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I am with HSBC france and can see that i can get E statements. This might be the best option from now on.

I have learned my lesson with all this. I need to keep every scrap of paper, every stub..............EVERYTHING.Because isn't it always the way that the receipt that you didn't keep is the one you need, it's sod's law
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Here's a little tip for you Phil. Everything you buy that comes in a box keep both the box (for returns) and the receipt. Once it's out of warranty you can throw the box away but keep the receipt because if you ever want to claim on insurance you will have to produce the receipt, no receipt, no payment. Some companies will accept returns without the original box but the thing is you never know which ones till something goes wrong and you can bet a pound it's the one who's kit has failed that wants the original box. It's something we learnt years ago the hard way.
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  • 5 months later...
[quote user="minnie"]If you can go back 3 months to October then you might find details of the cheque because TdH is not paid until Oct/November normally.[/quote]

That's what I thought, but we have just had our first tax d'habitation bill, and it said the due date was the 15 July? I thought that quite unusual?[8-)]

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Debbie, you might be best sending a proper letter to your tax office so they have your signature. We've just sorted ours out. They had been sending all the demands to the UK for three years despite the fact that when we bought our present house we were already resident in France.
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