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You are guilty and you are strange like one of those Duck billed Plattypusses.

Hi furrynix.

This is the only time I have ever seen you come close to maligning an animal. I accept a Duck Billed Plattypus is a bit strange, like an animal made of left over bits of other animals, but still, i'm surpised at you

Ps I was searching for you last night. See my lengthy plea in the diet side of France.


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[quote]Opel, not Opal. It's a brand of vehicle. Fruit? You got something against cocoa-shunters?[/quote]

Opel never made a model called the "fruit" did they? I had an Opel Commodore once! I did drive it dressed as a tomato in 1981.

Why should I have anything against train drivers? I have a model of the Flying Scotsman with lovely Pullman coaches, and the Mallard.

I doubt any Gay person would refer to themselves as that awfull term you used. It's more like something a big loudmouth beer swilling yobbo would label them.

I must wash my girlfriends badger this morning, it will be seen by the maire tonight, and she can't do a thing with it.



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Morning Mrs Tresco

I hope your not a Baillif!

I would never malignify any furry creature, but I meant he was as strange in his mentality as a Plattypuss is in it's looks (I was being phsycosymatic) But I do actually think that the Plattypuss is beautiful and it would be a better world if we were all plattypusses.

I have had several calls from Plattypusses from as far away as Dudley, asking me to clarify the situation, I hope I have now done this!

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Did you know that a platypus (not even a girl one) has no nipples which makes them very hard to milk.

I hope your girlfriends badger does not have TB. They spit, you know. I was once spat upon by a badger that I was releasing from a fox snare. Had to go for all sorts of tests afterwards 

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 Padraig signed up as a member on June 1st 2005 at 06.40

On June 2nd 2005, at 08.46 I posted this in the Mushroom Wellies Resurrected thread, in the Postbag section. The topic was started in response to Padraigs posts.

'......It's the low level cunning of these people. They choose this type of persona (worzel, jamaican, traveller), deliberately. After a bit someone gets annoyed and responds

Then they can come back in another persona (or even their own) and say, oh you all think you're so PC and here you are being horrible to this poor downtrodden person who asked for your help. It's designed to sow discord, and to waste the mods time'.

See what I mean, Padraig? This time you failed in your trolling, because everyone just had a laugh at your expense.

Don't worry, I'll stick this in all the threads that you make your outrageous claim to be conducting an X-periment in.

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Furryknickers you were spot on, Padraigs ego is indeed bigger (by a long margin) than his IQ level. You're all just reading the ramblings of a bored and lazy individual, who clearly has a sad life and seeks solace from the internet.....still it's entertaining eh?


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