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"Car Boot" or open air markets selling bric a brac/brocante


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I recently tried to find details of "car boot"/brocante style markets but failed - tourist information gave only details of brocante shops which I have found can be a little pricey.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find out what markets are around the Pathenay area in Deux Sevre department - or slightly further afield? 

I need to accessories the house now it is starting to take shape!!





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I don't know anything about your area, but near our house in Normandy there are the French equivalent of car boot sales nearly every weekend in some village or other - they are called "Foire a tout" and they are usually advertised on posters by the side of the road. We always go if we are around - they are usually full of the same old tat that you get at UK car boot sales, but you can usually find the odd gem among the rubbish!

I am sure they must also be advertised in the local paper (although I have never looked).

Hope this helps.

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