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Another fatal shooting accident


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Copied and translated from today's Dépêche du Midi

Grand Sud

Article paru le 14/10/2005


Un chasseur tué au cours d'une battue

Un drame de la chasse s'est noué mardi, en fin de journée, sur les flancs de la Montagne Noire audoise, entre Peyrens, Issel et Les Crozes. En fin de journée, alors que la battue touchait à sa fin, Christian Cathala, 55 ans, de Saint-Félix-Lauragais, était atteint d'une balle mortelle, qui l'aurait frappé en pleine gorge. Cet agriculteur, domicilié à Saint-Félix-de-Lauragais, marié et père d'une fille, devait fêter son cinquante-cinquième anniversaire le 6 novembre prochain. Hier, la gendarmerie a entendu plusieurs témoins avant de reconstituer les faits sur place pour tenter de comprendre les raisons du drame. Quatre chasseurs participaient à cette battue au sanglier organisée par la société de chasse d'Issel. D'après les premiers éléments de l'enquête, il semble que toutes les conditions réglementaires nécessaires à l'organisation d'une battue au sanglier n'étaient pas réunies. L'heure d'abord. Une battue doit en effet être terminée au moment du coucher du soleil. Or, les faits se seraient déroulés quelques minutes après l'heure légale. Les autres anomalies concernent le nombre de chasseurs présents (ils n'étaient que quatre au lieu des sept prévus dans les textes), la tenue aléatoire du carnet de battue et l'absence de protections individuelles réfléchissantes. Hier soir, le tireur présumé, qui a reconnu être l'auteur du coup de feu fatal, était en garde à vue dans les locaux de la gendarmerie de Castelnaudary de même que l'un des organisateurs de la battue. Aujourd'hui, une information judiciaire devrait être ouverte, tandis que le tireur présumé devrait être présenté au parquet.


A hunter killed during a beat. A hunting drama took place at the end of Tuesday, on the sides of the Mountagnes Noires Black between Peyrens, Issel and Crozes. At the end of the day, as the beat neared its end, Christian Cathala, 55, of Saint-Félix-Lauragais, was fatally shot it the throat. This married farmer, from Saint-Felix-of-Lauragais and father of a little girl, was due to celebrate his fifty-fifth birthday on 6 November. Yesterday, the gendarmerie heard several witnesses before organising a reconstruction at the spot to try to understand what lead to the drama. Four hunters had taken part in this wild boar beat organized by the Issel hunt. According to the basic first investigation, it transpired that the necessary legal conditions of an organised wild boar beat had not been met. The legal sunset endtime was not respected. Indeed, the accident appears to have taken place a few minutes after sunset. The other irregularities relate to the number of hunters present (they were only four instead of the seven required in legal texts), the incomplete and random records entered in the beat notebook and the absence of individual reflective clothing. Yesterday evening, the alleged gunman, who has admitted firing the fatal shot, was in police custody at the Castelnaudary gendarmerie, as was one of the beat organizers. The inquest should open today.

With apologies for the hurried translation.


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Another hunter killed (well sort of). Sunday 18th Sept in Corrèze. A stag charged a hunter, the president of the local society for the chasse who then died of a heart attack. The stag, after charging some of the other hunters, fled and escaped in the ensuing confusion. On behalf of the Captain of the Gendarmourie a spokesperson said "In this case the affair is clear, because there is no suspicion as there is in most hunting incidents when a shot has been fired.

Hmmm, Chris

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What a naughty stag !

On the opening day of the chasse near us last year a happy chasseur who had purchased a nice pool had tied a live duck on it to attract other ducks.  He just had to wait there...

But without seeing the "chasse gardée" sign another bande of chasseurs arrived on the scene and one of their dogs dived into the water, caught and killed the duck tied up on it.  The owner chasseur who had his first long awaited day ruined was so mad that he shot the dog.  It made quite an "affaire" in our local town.

This year for the opening the local newspaper proudly showed the veteran chasseur ready for another season, aged 94...


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Bad naughty hunters - at least they only kill each other - our neighbour was out shooting rabbits - thank goodness only the ruddy rabbits got hit.

Bad naughty dogs kill children - as an ex statisticion I wonder which kills most in a year, judging from the two horrid Argentinean Puma hunters that live opposite us and make more noise than all the other dogs put together, a small child getting into that garden would not stand a chance.

In France they hunt, if you don't like it I don't know why you live here - sorry.

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I for one love France but loath hunting  but particularly when it is dangerous and not sporting. I also feel strongly about cruelty to humans and animals like many French people living in France. With the attitudes of people like the previous poster there would be no progress or enlightenment on just "the way things are done" and turning a blind eye. Would have served well amongst the Nazi's I do believe
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[quote]In France they hunt, if you don't like it I don't know why you live here - sorry. That's a bit harsh, Iceni!! Lots of French people don't like hunting, should they leave too?[/quote]

I was just thinking where everyone could live in the World, if hunting was not your "thing" and you had to leave a country if you didn't support it ?

Have to be a bluddy biggern I reckon !

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Continuing with my cross-referencing cultural topics, has anyone here ever heard the hilarious Bigard sketch about hunters and predators (but in night clubs) called 'le lâcher de salopes' ? To sum it up (but not do it justice I'm afraid) it grosso modo gives us the appreciative comments of a 'connoisseur' hunter in a night-club who, using his own words and perfect knowledge of the hunting world, sizes up this sudden invasion of saturday night 'chaudasses' in his favourite nightlife. It is really 'tordant' (hilarious), crude and witty in equal measures. Du grand art, à découvrir. And also, a must-discover is this Les Inconnus '24-hour in the life of hunters' spoof number (parody a now defunct Canal+ prog called '24 hours in the life of...' ). Both on DVD.

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I didn't mean tu radotes (even if you do!), but I meant I was glad you mentioned it as I didn't know you could get the DVD with the whole thing.  I can't remember the programme* (as my mind is often confused), perhaps it was a progamme on "la chasse", but the extract had an effect on me like the Dubonnet.  I'll let you know if I get the DVD, if I remember...

* or perhaps it was one of those "best of" they keep doing.

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Non, mais t'as raison, je radote sec, surtout a l'heure de l'apéro (12-18 hrs). I don't buy DVD's, bad for my health, unless they're on the Belleville market at 6 euros a piece but they do sell Dévédés of Les Inconnus in the more legit outlets, outrageously expensive though, Amazon.fr it if you wish but could well be £40/£50+ for the series. I think they released a 'bôcoup meilleur des Inconnus' special duda a few yrs ago if you can copy it somehow, well worth it. I also remember seeing one of these 'rire' specials last yr and thinking to myself how good these 'Les Inconnus' trio were, etc.
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Les chasseurs L'équipe de reportage a suivi une journée avec des chasseurs du Bouchonnois, des spécialistes de la "galinette cendrée".
La journée commence tôt, 6h du matin, où nos chasseurs se retrouvent: Dédé, Bébert et Gérard sont au rendez vous.
La chasse est un art, c'est une communion avec Dame Nature dès que l'aurore darde ses rayons d'argent. Et puis la chasse à la Galinette Cendrée est typique du Bouchonnois!
Sans oublier de faire la distinction nette entre les bons et les mauvais chasseurs; le mauvais chasseur, il voit un truc qui bouge, il tire tandis qu'un bon chasseur, il voit un truc qui bouge, il tire mais c'est un bon chasseur!

La chasse, un véritable sport et un esprit de camaraderie ... et de sacrifice ...

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I am reminded of Arnold Shwartznegger... He auditioned for the part of Hamlet at the R.S.C...

When it came to him quoting the famous lines..." To be or not to be" he thought for one moment before producing an Uzzi 9mm machine pistol and grinning said..."NOT TO BE" rat at at at at at ping!

A pooooor joke right...

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  • 1 month later...

[quote user="WJT"]I for one love France but loath hunting  but particularly when it is dangerous and not sporting. I also feel strongly about cruelty to humans and animals like many French people living in France. With the attitudes of people like the previous poster there would be no progress or enlightenment on just "the way things are done" and turning a blind eye. Would have served well amongst the Nazi's I do believe[/quote]


I think you will find the the first people to ban hunting in Europe were the nazi's


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