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ok first post which i have only just learnt how to do thanks to cassis x ok down to question, have 2 shot guns and air rifle with european lic can we bring them over if we are renting for 4 months while we look for a house, and who do we need to contact to do this many thanks[:D]
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I expect someone else will tell you how to go about bringing them, this relates to hunting only, for more info go to: http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/permis/index.php 

Situation des non-résidents, français ou étrangers, titulaires d'un permis d'un permis de chasser étranger :

Aux termes de l'article L.423-21 nouveau du code de l'environnement, l'exercice de la chasse en France par des non-résidents, français ou étrangers, détenteurs de permis de chasser délivrés à l'étranger ou de toute autre pièce en tenant lieu, est subordonné à la validation de ces documents dans les conditions applicables aux permis de chasser délivrés en France.



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Apart from the legalities re. bringing them over what are you going to do with them when you are here? Did you know you have to belong to a Societie de Chasse to be able to use the shotguns - even on your own land?

By the way if you copy Chris's post and paste on Google language tools you will get a translation

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no did not no this, to be honest have tried to find info on subject for the last month even writing to the british embassy with no reply think i might leave them here then bring them over later, have enough on my plate with selling up trying to find info on health care taxes etc ageing by the day, but thanks anyway [8-)]
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In a nutshell, it says that "foreign" permits are subject to equivalence with the standards in place in France for a permit to hunt.

In addition, A temporary French permit would be required of limited duration which I understand is quite short, sort of holiday break. After this a permis de chasse would be required, for this there is a two part test, theory and practical, this is not difficult but it is in French and a knowledge of the regulations in France is required.

Anyone, anywhere, in France using any of the legal methods to kill creatures must be in possession of a Permis de Chasse or be an agreed "trapper" (pest controller), the latter do not use weapons as such.


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You need to come over to France, locate and join a clay pigeon shooting club which covers you for insurance etc as well.

You need a special licence (international I think) to take guns in and out of UK - speak to your local firearms officer at Police Station.  CPSA could also be a useful source of information.

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ok i being thick again (well i am only hairdresser) we got european licence which should cover us i think but we didnt no if we could bring them because we will only be renting for 3 months not having a perminent home. [8-)] and what is CPSA  just going to read licence to see if it tells me anything
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