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Notaire problem


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When we sold our résidence sécondaire 12 months ago, we paid what was a provisional amount of Taxe Plus Value, as certain documents relating to reliefs were not available in time for the completion.

The tax we paid was calculated by the Accrediteco organisation in Paris, as the value of our property exceeded the "Notaire limit". That was not a problem, but Accrediteco did have some pretty onerous and, quire frankly, petty, requirements, before we could reclaim the balance of our overpaid tax.

Anyway, we have jumped through all of the hoops and provided the evidence to our Notaire more than six months ago.

Despite repeated chasing from both Accrediteco and us, the Notaire has yet to pass this info to the assessors.

He is ignoring emails, refusing to take our phone calls or make an appointment. The message from the receptionist that we can come along to the office and wait to see whether he has time to see us. We are not prepared to do that as he has done this with friends as well and kept them waiting virtually all day.

If this was in the UK, I would be contacting the Law Society, but to get to the point of this post, can somebody point me in the direction of whatever body is to which the Notaire is responsible and I will take this up with them?

Many thanks
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Send a letter recommandé avec accusé de reception. And keep a copy yourself along with those precious receipts.

 Emails, really, did you think that they would work? in France? You'll have to do this properly now. When you get a reply, keep the reply and the envelope. In fact keep every last thing.

And good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

Did you get anywhere with this problem?

We have just had to pay 1100 euros to a notaire who was supposed to have created an acte de servitude in 2008 for our (absent) neighbour and didn't. We have an attestation to say it would be completed before the 8 June 2008. We can't sell our house without it and are forced to pay this extortionate amount for 3 sides of A4 which had so many errors it was unbelievable. Originally, it was supposed to be paid for out of the neighbour's purchase costs.

We have mentioned this to our own notaire and have been faced with 'closed ranks'.

Any tips would be very welcome.

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I think we are making progress.

I wrote to the Notaire (AR, avis de réception) as suggested above and threatened that I would report him to the local Chambres des Notaires and also, if necessary, to Le Conseil Régional.

That prompted a reply within days and the refund process is now under way.

Good luck and please post progress......
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