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pamplona festivities/bull run

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Not sure if this is the right section, but here goes anyway.

I am looking at going down there this year, 7th -14th July for the festivals. Anybody been there and can offer any advice? Was also thinking about taking part in the bull run !!!! Anyone done it and can offer advice, apart from dont be so stupid as i have been told, on getting involved with the run and if there are stations at which to register your intentions ?

Any info or help will be greatly appreciated, Hugh.

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Hi - I've done the run a couple of times - the whole thing is amazing to be part of. The runs only take a few minutes each morning, but the festival goes on 24/7 and is tons of drinking - every house in the old city is turned into a bar it seems- I likened it toSoddam and Gommorah!!! -  so make sure you have a quite place to go back to so you can take time out. There are a number of web sites that hold tons of info - www.sanfermin.com is good and has an English translation. Get to understand the course and how you enter the run if you are going to go for it - choose what section you want to run - you wil not be able to run the whole length - you must present yourself at the start and just join in at the corral - it is the biggest adrenaline kick I have ever had and I expect to go back in a couple of years time- try to get to the evening before the first run when the runners etc meet in the church square to ask for San Fermins blessing & protection (at least I think thats what it is,) which makes the hair on the back of your head stand on end!! Its complete madness - please know what you are letting yourself in for as it is very dangerous - people are injured on every run and death does occur.  But it is something that you will never forget - good luck!!!
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Hi, thanks for replying. I checked out the san fermin site and had a grin on my face a mile wide, definately going to give it a go, been meaning to do so for a few years but never had the company. I still don't but i want to do so while i feel fit enough, bring it on, Hugh.

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Hey JK, hows life in Paris? hope you are well.

As for being fun, yes perhaps after the run but i would hazard a guess that at the time a one and a half ton bull three inches from your backside would induce the strongest laxative known to man or woman. But its one of my must do things before age and time catch up, hopefully this year will be the year. Glad to see you are still active on the forum, gotta fly, work beckons, Hugh.

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Nothing to do with Pamplona but about six or seven years ago there was a news item on Spanish TV. It must have been amateur night at the local bullring and a young man was prancing around with a cape in front of a bull.

He suddenly slipped and the bull went to gore him but only succeeded in hooking a horn under the young man's trouser belt. As he lifted him to toss him the young man slipped slowly out of his trousers, underpants and all.

It was absolutely hilarious watching him race for the fence dressed only in a teeshirt and trying to cover himself at the same time.  [:D]

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I agree, anyone that needs to use a live animal for a rush or bit of fun deserves what they get in my opinion. Why not try Russian roulette? At least there is no need to use an animal that has no choice in the matter (of course that all depends on what one calls an animal in this instance).
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Whats with you people on here, this is one of the reasons i stopped using this forum. I post here for two reasons, the first for my own personal benefit, eg,  to gain info for the things in  my life, be it work or pleasure and the second to assist people wno ask for info on their chosen subject.  I do not pontificate on the rights and wrongs or have a go at someone for what they ask, believe in or seek info about for two reasons, first is that i dont have the right to have a go cos i dont believe/support their chosen subject matter and the second is that i would end up like many of you all on here, narrow minded and nosey.

I shall close by saying that if you have something constructive to say in reply to someone's posting then do so, if not then leave the space for those who can, salut, Hugh.

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I agree, anyone that needs to use a live animal for a rush or bit of fun deserves what they get in my opinion.

Just a quickie in response to you WJT, does taking photographs of live animals come into that category ?? In a zoo for example, poor lions eh !! In the wild, or should i say in a fenced area,  that seems to be in the wild for tourists to coo over and snap away happily ?? But then again its just for fun isn't it............................................

We all have crosses to bear, some more noticeable than others,  even those who like horse riding or even donkeys on the beach, why even people who keep parrots etc tut tut

Never been on a horse drawn carriage, or would like to ? See above re using animals for fun

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[quote user="sharkhunter"]I agree, anyone that needs to use a live animal for a rush or bit of fun deserves what they get in my opinion.

Just a quickie in response to you WJT, does taking photographs of live animals come into that category ?? In a zoo for example, poor lions eh !! In the wild, or should i say in a fenced area,  that seems to be in the wild for tourists to coo over and snap away happily ?? But then again its just for fun isn't it............................................

We all have crosses to bear, some more noticeable than others,  even those who like horse riding or even donkeys on the beach, why even people who keep parrots etc tut tut

Never been on a horse drawn carriage, or would like to ? See above re using animals for fun

You have a good point Sharkhunter, but I can honestly say that I  do not do any of these things (visit a zoo or a circus, go on a donkey ride at the beach, go on a horse-drawn carriage or keep birds in a cage) simply because I do not wish to have any part in the exploitation of animals.

I am not a militant but I simply choose where I will not spend my money.

Apart from that, I feel there is a world of difference between deliberately distressing an animal for "fun" and keeping it in an animal park.

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Yes there is a massive difference. I do realise that what i like is not necessarily what others would like or even tolerate, but i do not come onto L:F and have a pop at someone else's postings. Like you, i choose what i like to spend my time on and money on too, for my benefits.

 That is probably why you did not put a negative reply to my posting, you do have more important things to do with your time, even though your thoughts and principles are similar to the posters here. I would also imagine that a degree of impartiallity comes into play, but we are all entitled to our opinions, and free to air them in a public forum, but not at the expense of a posters quest for info.

Like i said a request for help should be treated as such, not as a soap box for others to berate and voice their own opinions. Here is a novel idea, why can't they start another thread, stating the subject as' opposition to ..........'s posting re .......... ' that way the forum posters can  read the original posters thoughts and then reply in the affirmative if they can and if not they can read the oppositions thoughts and reply to that one instead, bit like a party political rally, like minded souls backing each other up and not offending others .

Point being that the poster may get some aid, and even encourage others to post who may be anxious to do so because of the response and treatment they may recieve from others here if they did and seem to favour assisting the original poster.

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I just cannot see the point in getting into an argument about such different points of view.

You've expressed your opinion and I have expressed mine, no point in getting judgemental, it won't change your mind or mine [:)].

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Unfortunately, it appears that you don't understand how some people find it absolutely unacceptable that someone is even allowed to spend their time and money as you say in taking pleasure in allowing or seeing harm come to an animal full stop, and being a public forum it would be very difficult for many to sit back and watch posters discuss such things.

Personally, I don't give a toss what you or anyone else does with their time and money no matter how distasteful as long as it doesn't involve cruelty to another human being or living creature. I gather from your comment about getting negative responses on LF in the past that you have had similar posts along the same lines.[:(]

By the way, in response to your question to me, Clair said it much better than I could have and summed up my thoughts exactly.

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