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Hunt & Sheene - When Playboys ruled the world

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Sad that things need to be sensationalised but they were glory boys in glory Days; I remember standing in front of the Hesketh GMC motorhome at Monaco while a couple of mechanics worked on the car in front, and Bubbles wandered around. Bit different from Monaco today. Max's comments were interesting that Hunt could have been more but . . .

Hesketh Racing

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Blimey that's a late Hesketh/Hunt picture, that's the 308c the one with the rubber cone suspension, and partially the reason James went to McLaren!!

It wasn't a bad programme, although not quite what Andrew Marriott intended when he came up with the idea, but it certainly gave ITV a chance to dog in their archives. Just very nice to see proper racing cars on proper tracks, and as for the bikes! I had a quick blast on a RG500, what a total animal, few could tame that thing, but Barry certainly did.

I met James once, when he gave me a karting trophy I had won, he let me hold Oscar, his dogs lead!!!

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