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Car treasure hunt


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We are an association of ex pats in Pas de Calais and we want to organise a car treasure hunt in early summer. Does anyone know if there are restrictions on doing this in France?  There used to be in the UK many years ago and they had to be on Sundays only. However, as Sundays in France are as quiet as the grave where we are, I would think we should be OK???

Anyone ever done this sort of thing in their area? 


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Hi beccvi.

I have organised a few rallies in France over the last 20 odd years, not so much as treasure hunts, that maybe a differant thing, the most I have had on a rally was 38 cars, we stayed at a hotel in the Sarthe, I made some visits possible, topped off with a drive around the Le Mans circuit, it was quite somthing. That was the best one I organised.

What we do is sort out a route, give the punters a copy of it and send them off, nothing to taxing, meet up for lunch some where that has been pre arranged, then work back to the hotel or where ever for dinner in the evening, but what I learnt was all the people MUST be in the one hotel for dinner other wise it does not work. We have spent a lot of time in the Bergerac area, also in Biscarrosse area. couple of years ago in Vannes. but nothing in Calais area, thats southern England is it not. and most of the rallies I have done has been over two days, a road run each day.

It is differant in France to England, they are not so fussy as over here, I have a french friend who I consulted about this, he spoke to a friend in the local cop shop, and was told unless you have many cars 50 plus there was not a problem, over here you have to write to RAC and permission and supply a route map,  which of course costs money, I had in England one year a guy had moved into the area where we were going through, objected, he had only lived there a couple of months, in England people do not like classic cars, which we drive, in France they cannot get enough of them.

Hope this maybe of interest to you, if I can help further please drop me a mail.


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I seem to remember hearing many years ago that in the UK there must not be an element of SPEED to a car-borne treasure hunt.

So it would need to be organised on the basis that the winner should not necessarily be the first one home.

Sounds fun.



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We were invited to one of these treasure hunts years ago.

First of all we picked names out of a hat to decide who went in whose car! Brilliant for me - I got a Merc (i think - big and posh anyway) and a very dishy young man.

Some poor girl got my husband in our 2CV.

Had to find clues on the way, each with hints on how to get to the next place.

We visited a couple of interesting spots along the way so it was educational as well as fun.

The clues eventually took us to a pub where the landlord had already prepared a snack and drinks for us (non-alcoholic for the drivers).

It was a good day out with a bottle of whisky for the first ones to reach the final destination.

The booby prize was to perform karaoke-style in front of the rest of the crowd back at the host's house that evening.

We then partied and partied and partied.

Thank you for reminding me. That was a very enjoyable day that I had forgotten all about until today.

Sorry can't answer the original question but I really don't see why one would need permission from the police. Now I come to think of it, I think a few of the participants actually were policeman.
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Years ago when Mr C and I were in the MG Car Club (don't ask!) we used to be quite good at these.  This was because I drove and he navigated - it was amazing how many of the other couples we encountered along the way - her complaining about his driving and he about her mapreading skills.  As Angela says, not speed related though - all about points for clues iirc.

I've led drive-outs when the lads come here for the race but have never done a treasure hunt this side of the channel.  If the numbers aren't huge and you're not leaving clues littering the countryside then I'd be amazed if the flics would be interested but you just never know these days.

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[quote user="beccyj"]Hi,

We are an association of ex pats in Pas de Calais and we want to organise a car treasure hunt in early summer. Does anyone know if there are restrictions on doing this in France? 


No restrictions -  unless you end up with more than 200 entries, in which case you'll need authorisation from all the prefectures covering the route.....[;-)]



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[quote user="cooperlola"] (don't ask!)  [/quote] It must be done Coops, do tell!

I have enjoyed a few treasure hunts, the main 'no no' as I recall was that there should be no element of 'timed' sections or motoring competition of any kind since that would invalidate your insurance, the events afterwards were usually a bit boozy[:D]

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="just john "]

[quote user="cooperlola"] (don't ask!)  [/quote] It must be done Coops, do tell!

[/quote]The reason's a little embarassing now![:$][/quote]

Don't be embarrassed, Coops, it was a long time ago.  If you really want to cringe, this is my current embarrassement[blink] 

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Years ago when Mr C and I were in the MG Car Club (don't ask!) we used to be quite good at these.  This was because I drove and he navigated - it was amazing how many of the other couples we encountered along the way - her complaining about his driving and he about her mapreading skills.  As Angela says, not speed related though - all about points for clues iirc.

I've led drive-outs when the lads come here for the race but have never done a treasure hunt this side of the channel.  If the numbers aren't huge and you're not leaving clues littering the countryside then I'd be amazed if the flics would be interested but you just never know these days.


Somehow I thought you and Mr. Pooksie were in the Lada owners club, Coops.[6]

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