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Possible French debts


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I was running a business in France up to 4 years ago, when I split up with my then wife and returned to the U.K. The business was in my name but she continued to operate it unfortunately into the ground :(

I had it on good authority that when the business eventually folded she told her creditors etc that it was my business and that I had run off with all the money., even though I had left about a year previously.

I would like to return now and again to France to visit friends and for holidays but am rather loath to do so if I am likely to be hauled off by the Gendarmerie when I arrive at Calais.

Does anyone know if this is likely?

Also is there any way of finding out if one has any debts registered against them in France or any warrants for arrest?

I would ask my Ex what the situation is, but I'm afraid she would think it hilarious to see me in court in France.
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IF she wasn't paying the bills, sounds like you could owe people like the URSSAF etc money and that would be serious, have they been in touch with you?

Also, I am wondering why you didn't close your business down when you left. As a married couple you may be liable for any debts she ran up as well as anything to do with the business.

Suggest you call a good french accountant and notaire and ask what they think.

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Thanks for the reply-It was rather an acrimonious split things got so bad I just left it was agreed she would take over the business (Bar/Restaurant) but after I left she reneged on our verbal agreement.

No one has been in touch as there isn't anybody in France that knows my address.

For obvious reasons I don't want to instigate them chasing me in the UK.
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Acrimonious and you had faith that all would be well, how brave you were.

You really do need professional advice. Just a suggestion, call and say it is for a friend, needn't mention yourself. Say the friend doesn't speak very good french that the ex wife did. Hope you speak decent enough french to speak to someone about this.

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I see your problem but unless you raise the issue with someone you might never know until its too late and you get arrested. However, if all your looking to do is to visit friends in France for a brief holiday how would it be to travel from UK to Holland (where presumable your name would not be wanted) and drive from there. There are no cross border checks from there to France. The risk would be if a gendarme were to stop you while driving. Alternatively, fly to Holland and take public transport to wherever in France - just a thought..
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Yes I know it might seem foolish in retrospect,but when you are losing your wife , kids, home and job in one fell swoop plus living in a foreign country, believe me you don't tend to think very far ahead!

That's all behind me now I'm divorced and have a new life.

Minnie, I have thought of that before and if I simply had to go to France I probably would go via Belgium.

However it would be nice to be able to go and visit old friends without having to worry about debts that are not really mine.

I do recall seeing notices in our local paper in France saying that Mr X was no longer responsible for Mrs Y's debts so I guess there are laws that would have made me responsible for the debts of my Ex.and I should have sought some legal advice before I left, however my mental state at that time meant that I just wanted to get out and back to the UK.

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If the business was in your name, then I doubt that the french would think other than that. And personally I would be worried about the likes of the URSSAF.

None of us can help you, as I said, you should call someone about this, I wouldn't call anyone in the region I was from either. If say you used to live near Toulouse, I'd call a notaire near Nantes and an accountant near Beaune. Just pick two places a long way from where you used to live.  I know it is sneaky, but, why not. Seems your ex has been sneaky too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just seen this thread and I would add that you should be very careful about whom you get involved with should you return to France. As the business was in your name as the registered owner and social charge payer you will still be on the radar as you have not officially resiliated it and the charges will have continued probably resulting currently in Huissiers being appointed by URSSAF/ImpĂ´ts etc who are able to access any and all bank accounts you hold here. Anything you owned here will probably have been listed by them as seizable assets too but if your ex-partner/wife or yourself never paid any actual contributions as a conjointe collaborateur or registered partner in the business she is not liable and you still are for all outstanding debts there may be. In this day and age, debts can follow you overseas too with reciprocal exchanges so to be honest,if you are well camouflaged as to speak identity and address-wise currently, coming here is definitely very dangerous and yes, there well maybe your name on a computer at all points of entry in France when passports are checked!!
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