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Black hairy caterpillars


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Having suffered both in the garden and on my skin by the dreaded processionary caterpillars in early spring, I have found recently on my house walls a few black very hairy caterpillars, are this Gipsy moth catrepillars, are they as irritating as the forementioned and should I expect to see as many? I am in the Loire Atlantique area.;

It would be nice though if it was a sign of summer to come!!

Lollie 44

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All hairy caterpillars can cause itching and skin reactions, we used to put them down each others shirts when I was young, but only the processional caterpillar is actually dangerous unless you happen to be hyper allergic. These are on there way to pupate having finished feeding, ready for the next stage in their life. Providing you don't put them on sensitive skin areas they are no problem, I handle them regularly and let them crawl about on my hands and arms, it's only the hairs that cause the irritation.



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