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Derris Powder


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I have found some that CP Jardins Jardinez Bio range do an insecticide for 'Pucerons et Autres' which is made from 'Extrait de Derris Elliptica'. It is in liquid form that is diluted with water for spraying. Pucerons are greenfly and on the back of the pack is  a list of the 'autres' which includes Altise (flea beetle). I found it at Mr Bricolage but i guess other bricos/ garden centres should have some. I haven't tried it yet as i am waiting for the threat of rain to pass first. My cabbages and swede are looking very munched! Are they likely to recover?? Also i have just planted out other brassicas today!

Hope this helps!!


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Thanks for that, will give it a try.  wanted Derris as you can harvest the day after spraying.  Saw a insecticide in Gamm Vert but couldn't pick stuff for 14 days after spraying!  They only seem to eat the rocket and the radish, but the radish is still producing bulbs, the rocket is almost lace!  Everything else is growing well and had carrots and mangetout from the garden for tea yesterday.

A french neighbour told me to pick stinging nettles and place in water, leave for two weeks and use this to water the plants, supposed to be a natural insecticide and good for feeding tomatoes. Tried it on the rocket but still munched!!!


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    I have planted my rocket in a concrete water trough near the house and so far it has remained untouched! Also its easier to pick as required.

Stinging nettles seems like a good idea to try, its free and i have plenty!!


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