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Goodbye Moles!!!


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I have been trying for 3 years to get rid of the little buggers, and now at last I think I have found a device that actually works.

This is not a sales pitch, honest, but if you want details, then PM or e-mail me, and I will supply details.

And please, no replies from friends of moles.



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If you tell me yours I'll tell you mine?????

1, male dog wee (yes it is hard to collect)(and it really spooks your dog) but it has worked for me.........

2, a strange cigar shaped thing, that rivbrated and whined which was stuck in to the earth hill, we brought this in a garden center and the battery lasts for months, again it spooks your dogs out............

go on tell me yours now  

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[quote user="chris pp"]


                Chris (he who has no friends)



[/quote] Ahhhh i'll be your friend as long as you dont shout at me i cant stand noisy people. heres a cyber pint to get us aquainted.......... 
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The product works by means of a small explosive charge which erradicates the mole.

Very easy to use,only downside is cost at between 50 to 60 euros, available at Gamm Vert, and is called "Le Detauper"

Sorry if I have broken any advertising rules, but I have no financial interest whatsoever.



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This is serious, I don't see why it couldn't work.

A long electric cable, the live wire put into the mole run, plug it in and wait. Obviously you'd have do it at night & make sure the area wasn't accesible just in case favourite moggy gets interested.


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I would like to point out a very common mistake made by a lot of people ref getting rid of moles and any kit used and its this you should always wear some sort of gloves when handling the device used as the human touch on the device will smell to the mold and they will keep away from the traps layed,


I  have  no financial interest in any company or product. [;-)]

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Though I guess if you're going to blow them to smithereens the smell doesn't matter ...

Do be careful with the amount of explosive you use, though.


I also like Chris's idea of frying them. 

If you follow Christine Animal's link it leads to a recent thread on the same subject.

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[quote user="Pun"]

I would like to point out a very common mistake made by a lot of people ref getting rid of moles and any kit used and its this you should always wear some sort of gloves when handling the device used as the human touch on the device will smell to the mold and they will keep away from the traps layed,

I  have  no financial interest in any company or product. [;-)]


Welcome to the forum, Pun.

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I have an effective, and free method of getting rid of moles but it's not very nice.

When the ground is frosty you can lift the mole hill up to reveal the hole then you stuff it full of thorny twigs from a rose bush.

Moles are haemaphiliacs and once scratched bleed to death.

Not nice. I did it for a customer with a nice lawn but I let the little critter have free reign chez moi as everything works in balance.

Snakes, rats, lizards, hornets, children they all play a part in Gods mystery.

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The easiest and most efective way to stop moles digging in your garden is to take their spades away  [:P]!!

I was once told that once a mole has dug it's run then it will use it for several seasons. So if you can put up with the initial disturbance then it will subside, sorry, slip of the tounge there!! It will use the runs that it has and patrol them to find the worms and insects that have dropped into them and defend them from interlopers that try to push in and probably expand the runs.

So the moral seems to be to let the lovely little thing make his happy hunting home and he will look after it and make sure it's not invaded by others that will cause even more damage... It will also make sure that a lot of destructive insects are munched before they can cause damage.

So you see that by trying to destroy the POOR LITTLE THINGS you may well be doing more harm than good. Do you agree Chrispp?


P.S. Yesterday when the bloke came to read our water meter the hole it's in was nearly full of a mole hill, so I will have to investigate the explosives?[6] Well maybe?

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I have no problem with your theory what so ever John, it's convincing other people that's the hard bit.

When we acquired this place, just over 10 years ago, it was in a state of total imbalance, we had a large field that had been "cultivated" as it is euphemistically called, nothing lived in it either above the ground or below, it was so bad that when I first started to grow broad beans I put large pots with flowers that attract bees all around the rows to try and get some bees to come, I remember seeing 3 bees one day and getting quite excited! Since then, other than managing the flora, I haven't interfered with the creatures at all. In the early stages as the ground started to have worms in it again we had quite a number of moles and mole hills, over the years these have just about disappeared, in fact I don't know when the last time was that I noticed one. There have been other species that have initially run riot before subsiding to unnoticeable levels. To some extent this place has been an opportunity for me to put ideas into practise, test them out and I am now more convinced than ever that all interference should be kept to the minimum, bio diversity maintained at the maximum - my garden eats itself.


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