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tomatoe tip.


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If you find towards the end of the growing season youve tomatoes that are green, try putting them in the same fruit bowl with bananas, the bananas give off a chemicle that helps to rippen the tomatoes and this method works faster than putting the tomatoes in a dark area such as a drawer.
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Hi  pads,

sounds good to me,

I didnt know until this year you could get black tomatoes, (russian).

We went to of all things a donkey derby and they also had stalls with all the different things you could do with tomatoes, including jam/ wine/ cakes and of cause chutney, But I,d never seen black toms until then(or should I say coloured ones ) dont want to sound racist.

happy gardening to you.

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hi pun

you can get red, yellow, purple,pink,black, orange, green,and bluish ones as well, i use to have a catalogue with them all in and i did try some but they were pretty tastless, just grown for the unusal colours i think.If i can find the catalogue i will let you know the companies name. how did they use them in cakes? is it used in the same way as carrot?[:)] 

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It was a sample tart cake we tried and we think it was made like you,d do a plum tart, sweet with a tomatoe taste,

it sounds awful but infact it was nice.[Www

We did buy a pot of jam and again it was nice, you must admit this is the thing about gardening, there is always new ways to learn and every year is never the same as the last one.

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yes thats what i like about gardening , i love to try some thing new each year, last year i grew chick peas, which were very pretty plants, and they tasted very good having only had dried and tinned before. I havnt done much this year as we were in france in april /may so it was a bit late by time we got back, but i have plenty of salad, onions potatoes garlic, corn, and soft fruit. but i must say im at my happiest in my garden
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I had my first attempt at growing veg this year.  Strawberries, dwarf beans and cherry toms.  All things that kids grow.  Strawberries got attacked by slugs, birds ate the leaves off the beans and cherry toms are coming on nicely.  Well no fruit yet just loads of leaves.
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from little acorns big trees grow..................

keep trying, most things i grew in the first year were fed to our chickens, but now there is no stopping me there is nothing better than making a plate of salad and it all being what you have grown, I love it and its all organic at a quarter of the price

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hello tresco

sorry i dont know the french name , but they are easy to grow, i just soaked some dried ones, planted them in compost put 4 to a large bucket size pot and put them on the top shelf of the green house as theyliked to hang, they would grow fine out side in france, and as they are very pretty plants they would look good on window ledges they have small pods with just 2 peas in each one, i gave them some feed when thy flowered and that was it realy just keep them watered, they are great raw in salads and only need to be cooked for a couple of mins as they arnt like dried ones, they taste much better 

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Gay, gardeners delight.  I bought them quite small about 3 weeks ago.  I have started feeding them.  I have put them in an old tin bath at my front door which faces the sun.  They have really shot up and are looking nice and strong but no fruit.
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 I had those last year - they did well, but this year I have used 14 inch baskets and after having grown nasturtiums from seed to go with them, changed my mind because of the blackfly and also because nasturtiums like impoverished soil and tomato's need to be fed.

Guess what I just saw on the Hampton Court Flower Show, tomatoes grown with nasturtiums - Doh !!![:-))]

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]Gay, gardeners delight.  I bought them quite small about 3 weeks ago.  I have started feeding them.  I have put them in an old tin bath at my front door which faces the sun.  They have really shot up and are looking nice and strong but no fruit.[/quote]

 you shouldnt feed them until you see the first flowers or you will just get strong healthy leaves, SO stop it now OK[:)]

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I have just returned from my potager with about a kilo of tomatoes,a cucumber and a couple of courgettes. I ate the strawberries whilst pottering(do not tell the children!) I do not know what any of the varieties are as the tom seedling were given to me by a neighbour and the rest of the seedlings were bought off the sunday market at la Jonquera (spain), so far I havn`t fed them anything except gallons of water, but am going to get some manure to dig through at the end of the autumn.

Oh and a tip.........seeing as Dick is not looking into the gardening section, Tomato/Tomatoes

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Hi katie,

well your having a bit of bad luck but this can be put in place,

(1) strawberries can be grown in hanging baskets  and doing it this way helps keep slugs at bay

(2)beans cover with old net curtains or buy the green plastic stuff "netting"

(3)nows the time to get rid of some of those leaves on your toms, the plant is putting all its efforts into feeding to many leaves,

also feed once aweek, dont over feed or again you,ll have to many leaves.

Dont give up, the taste of fresh veg is to good to mis, try lettice they are simple and like raddish you.ll have a crop in weeks.

good luck and keep going.[blink]

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I'm growing tomatoes for the first time. I've got just one plant a 'red alert' which has got plenty of fruit on it. It was looking a bit tired with all this heat (I'm in the UK at the moment) but I trimmed off loads of leaves and stood it in a bowl of 'miricle grow' and it's looking much healthier now.

My question is, when do you pick the tomatoes? Do you wait for them to go red on the plant or pick them and wrap them in news paper?

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