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Complete France Forum

Document Unique


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I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this question, so I apologise in advance if it's not. We are making the big move to France in the next couple of months and will be starting our own business when we get there. We will be employing a couple of local workers to assist with the business. I have been told that as I will be employing someone, I will need to have a Document Unique, which I understand is a formal risk assessment of the business, if I don't have this document then I run the risk of facing a large fine. Is there any businesses which I can call upon to complete this for me as I want to make sure that I have everything in place and correct, also if you could give me some idea as to how much this is likely to cost. Thank you very much for your assistance.
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The relevant Chambre (Métiers,Commerce or Agriculture) should assist you with this when you register your business with the relevant one. I hope you have done plenty of research into running a business in France, it is very expensive, very employee protective and nothing at all like UK practices.
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[quote user="CitizenGas"] Is there any businesses which I can call upon to complete this for me as I want to make sure that I have everything in place and correct, also if you could give me some idea as to how much this is likely to cost. [/quote]

The fact that you are asking about help with just one document suggests to me that you have a very rude awakening awaiting..

The code du travail which you are expected to possess, understand fully and respect in all ways or risk being heavily fined runs to some 3400 pages and weighs several kilogrammes, on average a new page with new hoops for you to leap through appears every 3 days.

I dont want to put you off although one day you will wish that I had, but its a lot more than one document that you will be needing help with when you start a business and employ people.

In any case good luck, France needs you!

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