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Mole trap test results.


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As promised Im letting you know the results of 3 traps I tried throughout this last 12 weeks.


(A) the solar trap, this one has a buzz sound every 15 seconds or so and to be honest inspite of a lot of folk saying thet found them u.s. Ive found them  to be really good,

It has done all it said on the label, it's kept going, no problems, and the moles are not in this part of the garden from day one of using it.

points out of 10=10.  NOTE you must wear gloves when putting the spike part into the ground and ensure the device can see the sun/for charging the battery.


(B) the gun trap, this is a device made in the U.K. (HULL) but purchased in france , it's a metal device and loaded with a brass bullet shell containing a chemicle that when fired by the mole digging close to the device gives off a bang and a chemicle, this chemicle kills the mold a.s.p.

Ive found this method only went off twice and Ive not found any sign of the mold so Im not sure if the mold went  and died further away or he's still alive living in Spain,  or he's wearing a gas mask,   but again Ive no signs of any mole in this area of the very large garden 1-1/2 acres

Points out of 10-10 it again did what it said it would do "Ive no moles here".


(C) the copper wire device, this device is a hole shape that is fixed within its own wire claw type idea, its the cheaper of all the devices and is put into the mole run and the idea is the mole gets stuck in the hole area and you should be able to dig up the trap and find a mole dead or alive.

Ive found this trap didnt produce any    results, maybe the fact that it was in the ground put the moles off and theyre holidaying in some ones garden down the road,

Im not sure this device has worked as Ive found no dead or alive moles and Ive had no post cards from them.

results out of 10-??????? I'll try this method again.

well folks hope this has helped, my money will be going on the solar as it worked, its clean to use and I can't see any moles in this area But remember when trying any traps you must make sure you dont leave any of your human smells on the trap (wear gloves) Ive heard these moles now have sky t.v. and they are all into these D.N.A. test (the little people down the garden told me) so wear gloves dont leave your d.n.a. behind.[Www]


Good gardening all.

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Hi  surgeonnofsteel,

many thanks for your reply ref mole/traps.

Ive just had a look at the info @ roottrainers. and very interesting it sounds,

Are you going to give this product a go ?  if so could you let all of us know the results after say 12 weeks trying ?


The market seemingly is flooded with products and its finding the ones that work is our problem hence we are all hoping for that one and only one to come along and as given the thumbs up by a user and not a company rep.

We do need a product that will work in an area surounded by miles of fields and we are in the middle and so its a product that keeps on doing the trick because we all understand that these little sun shaded darlings are just waiting to return as soon as they feel the lawns looking to good.


So how do you feel about the request to let us know your results??

regards Pun.

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The easiest way to stop moles digging in your garden is to hide their bloody shovels! [Www]

In all seriousness, the way to stop them digging anymore in yur garden is to let them dig their runs. Once these are established they keep to them and cause no more damage. OK so it is a bit of inconveniance at first, but after that the only time you will see new digging is if a new interloper comes in and the established mole will see that the newcomer is NOT welcome. Try this method if you can't find their shovels. You never know it may just be the natural answer to your problem? We ain't got moles here, but we had them in the U.K. and we got along with them... Lovely little creatures, their fur is SO soft and apart from driving Quillan bloody daft, that ain't such a bad thing, they are good for the garden anyway.

Long live the moles that's what I say. (thinks, I wonder if that would be a platform for standing for president next year [I] ??)

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  Blimey John, i actually agree with you!!! I'll join the mole fan club.

 I have had quite a few disrupting the veggie patch, but as soon as i  stopped digging and treading on the mole hills they are no trouble!  They also do quite a bit of good. (see previous mole thread!)

I can't bring myself to kill them, little cute things!

I'd vote for you Jonz!


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Leaving them alone didn't work for us.  Their tunnels were extended until they caused severe subsidence all over the lawn (well, grassy area!).  Most unpleasant to walk on, too, as the ground felt unstable under the feet.

Some old bloke in UK told me to put a piece of onion down all the holes I could find.  He said they hate it and go away.

Has anyone tried that?


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