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Selling Land


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I have a few acres of land in France that I acquired when I purchased my house. The Mairie has shown an interest in purchasing it and has made a small offer. The land isn't valuable and he only intends to farm it as he owns the surrounding land. I am happy with his offer and wish to proceed, however as my French is not great I feel that I should have a UK based French solicitor (as I did for the house purchase) oversee the transaction to ensure nothing is agreed that impacts my property or the land that I am not selling. The issue I have is that the proposed purchase price is less than the solicitors minimum charge. What are my options? Am I being over cautious? Will the notaire act on both parties behalf and ensure all is fine with no impact on my house or the remaining land? Is their any other road I can go down to get comfort? Any help would be much apprecaited.


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One thing to beware....he says he only wants to farm it. Obviously if he allows property to be built it has to be worth a lot more. As Maire he could probably get planning on it quite easily. Just be cautious. Afraid I'm ever cautious with regard to such issues.
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also check that the boundaries are already clearly marked out and recorded at the land registry (cadastre). If an official survey is required to mark out the boundaries (by a geometre) then this can be very costly (possibly several hundreds of euros). If it is required, you could make it a condition of the purchase that the purchaser pays.
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We bought a very small piece of land between us and the neighbours, owned by a third party, the notaires fees far outweighed the price we paid for the land.

Anyway, as the seller, surely you do not pay the notaires fees, usually it is the buyer.

And yes, check up very very carefully, make sure that that there is absolutely no right of way left over your land and that the boundaries are very very clear.

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