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Just Katie

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 I think you could do quite a lot with varying the surfaces, it doesn't have to be all lawn, you could try a gravel garden area, a courtyard area etc. Think about how much time you want to spend on the garden  per week/month and plan accordingly, it should be a pleasure not a millstone.

Val 2 posted a good way to deal with bindweed a while back, I think it involves a systemic weedkiller and over wrapping the shoots after treatment, but it is a long job.

One thing I did this time was to have the shed close to the house, far easier, and with a few climbers planted it soon 'disappears' in to the general scheme of things


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JK needs a task force. I'll do the heavy work with Tresco Titchmarsh (that has got to be the coolest name ever), Twinkle can keep us entertained (forget the bra Twinks), JK and Moggy can run the bar (god help us all), Gay could slap us all (scared? me?) to keep us in line, Dick could keep the language under control and JJ might want to contribute his nurse for a while? The LF garden doctors...we could be famous!

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Whats all this rubbish about, and not one welshman, sheep and wellies joke !

To get back on track, don't forget to include in the plan what I consider the essentials:  a compost area, a bonfire (oil drum type maybe) area and a shed.  Also (IMHO of course ! ) a garden without rhubarb is a missed opportunity, Englands best pudding, rhubarb crumble  yummy.................  [kiss]

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[quote user="pcwhizz"]Whats all this rubbish about, and not one welshman, sheep and wellies joke !

To get back on track, don't forget to include in the plan what I consider the essentials:  a compost area, a bonfire (oil drum type maybe) area and a shed.  Also (IMHO of course ! ) a garden without rhubarb is a missed opportunity, Englands best pudding, rhubarb crumble  yummy.................  [kiss]


gnomes, dont forget the gnomes, we all need a gnome to go back to.

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Are garden gnomes really naff? I thought they were all the rage...need to get out more. Hey PC, we don't all have your wild imagination or landscape design eperience [6], totems and decking are cool, you can buy rooobarb in the shops but you can't buy totem in the shops so HAA.
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Jungle?  My garden here in UK was more like the Somme up until a few years ago when we reclaimed it from the kids.  Where once there were potholes, craters, mud, broken bikes and virtually NO plantlife, we now have beautiful terraces, shrubs, a greenhouse, hubby's workshop and a fab fishpond. This beggars the question  -why are we leaving it all behind to begin again in a field???

Fact is I am not going to remodel our French garden or anglicise it, apart from the roses around the windows I have already planted, plus I love the wildflowers in the meadow.    This will remain, just a tidied up version of it.

And gnomes?   I have two here.  One is a Village People Biker Gnome an the other a Muscleman!    More an ironic statement than anything else don't cha think?

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[quote user="Chris Head"]Are garden gnomes really naff? I thought they were all the rage...need to get out more. Hey PC, we don't all have your wild imagination or landscape design eperience [6], totems and decking are cool, you can buy rooobarb in the shops but you can't buy totem in the shops so HAA.[/quote]

I'll take that as a compliment Chris - wild  imagination and landscape design experience - wow,  thanks.

Totems and decking  are not cool and you can buy anything these days via the interweb if so possessed, except just picked fruit and veg, so stick that on top of your totem  ! 

Actually, I think we had better call a truce as we are obviously of opposite minds, Friends OK ???

PS, I actually quite like garden gnomes........................[:)]

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[quote user="pcwhizz"]

PS, I actually quite like garden gnomes........................[:)]


I suppose if you lived in the Somme.......


you could put them .........


in Gnome Man's Land [:D]


Yeah, yeah, I know ...coat

Well it is Friday afternoon after all [:)]

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That's a Monday joke Pierre! Grrroan. That ebay totem is pretty naff, only two subjects and out of proportion, the carving isn't deep enough to give it the definition that could improve it...IMHO.

I was pulling yer todger PC, I carve poles and stuff. Totem is pretty site specific and can really look out of place if not sighted well. Theme/story poles can be adapted to a setting, I love combining function with carving. Actually I'm really getting back into landscape again, I did quite alot of it perhaps up to eight or nine years ago and got fed up so concentrated on the tree surgery/forestry side of stuff....now nearly a decade on, with more skills and another mindset the soft/timberscape aspect of landscape is thoroughly enjoyable, one of my 'team' was a landscaper in UK until he seriously burned out, dumped it all and moved out here, his hardscaping and planting knowledge is really excellent, he has a gift for it but seems a bit phobic of nibbling back into it...I'm working on him!

Framboise...I'm not sure how you can't Anglicise your garden in France...you're English! Many of the gardens I've seen that have been worked on out here seem to be a decade or more behind in style...I guess there isn't the same media exposure to the subject as in the UK?

The whole subject of how people deal with their outdoor living space is fascinating, it's as important as the interior of your house and so are the processes involved and getting it right first time so you don't create more problems down the line....imagination, time and patience are sooo important.

I'm rambling, it's Friday, is it beer'o'clock yet?

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Hah Chris, best buddy, I knew you were but I didnt want to fall out [kiss] (x2 here in Correze)

Actually, after looking at the ebay totem pole I got to thinking, thats quite nice and an  ideal garden  focus point, and I even thought its not very titmarsh - way too expensive!  Then you tell  me that  you think that the ebay one is rubbish and you can do better ????  Photos please !

Know what you  mean about burning out, it took me nye on 2 years to clear my mind of all the work crap I used  to do (IT Project Management).  I just didnt realise how stupid it all was and how involved I was in such ridiculus things, Stress I guess, but, stupid me never took the time off, until they made me redundant...........

Why do people insist on trying to do english gardens in France ?  When you buy a property here, you most likely get big space, even the OPs garden of 250m2 is big by UK standards.  People, leave the titchy space mindset behind.  I have more space lost under hedges than my whole plot including the house had in the UK !

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Can someone define "English garden" and then define "French garden" pointing out the differences.

A garden "design" is whatever YOU want for YOU. Its individualistic and unless you are a fashion drone then no one can say what is "best", its all their own opinion and what makes someone elses opinion more valid than your own in respect of your property.

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