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Getting everything legal at last.


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This might seem an obvious question, in which case my apologies in advance, but  although we have lived since 2003, neither myself nor my husband have ever registered with the French social services system in anyway.

Pause for exclamations of horror and questions about our sanity [:-))]

So basically I need to know how to go about getting social security number, registering with health care system, etc. etc.

Ideally online if possible, my French is OK, should be after so long here, I managed to get Cartes de Sejour in person just after we arrived, despite a degree of bureaucratic indifference, but online is less confrontational :)

Thanks in advance

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How you register is dependent on your circumstances, i.e. working (employed), self-employed, running a business, retired and in receipt of UK state pension. Your situation will determine which "caisse" or health insurance office you need to apply to.

If none of these situations apply to you, then you may be able to apply for cover based on residence and income - info can be found online here


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The why is actually fairly simple, at least in my mind [8-)]

We just never got around to it, had no need to use any services, so kept putting it off, now the desire to create an auto entrepreneur business means we must do so.

Thanks for the advice, pleaae keep it coming, I will examine the information sent in detail

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Does not the process of creating an auto entrepreneur business automatically trigger the registration, I thought it did? I thought you either entered your number or ticked a box to say you didn't have one then somebody from the appropriate "caisse" will ask to talk to you? But then I have never done so and am just repeating rumours really so it may be totally wrong.
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Registering as an AE as has been said starts the process off and can all be done online. Depending on the nature of your AE business, you will be registered with the appropriate 'caisse'. They will issue your social security number, SIRET number (for your business) and (eventually) issue you and anyone piggybacking onto your health care as 'ayants droit' with a Carte Vitale. Healthcare access however begins almost immediately after registration with the issue of an attestation. Be prepared to send birth, marriage and any other bits of paper requested, and as things frequently get lost in the system, take copies before you send.

The site to register on is www.lautoentrepreneur.fr, click on 'adherez au regime' and off you go!

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I'm surprised you managed to last so long without them checking up on you.

We lasted about 3 years without joining the SS system as you put it, not even paying house taxes (even though I'd asked about it). All out of ignorance! We didn't realise that we were eligible for an S1 as it's called now. Just paid for the odd doctor's appt.

The first thing that prompted us was a letter asking for a tax return. It seems there's a connection between the tax system and the SS system here.

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