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Is it worth getting a Carte de Sejour in preparation for Brexit?

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With a little info you can get any certificate you like from the General Records Office (sorry not sure how to insert active link): https://www.gov.uk/order-copy-birth-death-marriage-certificate

I used this service to 'tool up' with all the relevant certificates before moving over to France, as it seemed likely I'd need them at some point.
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If they were married in England or Wales then if you go to nationalarchives.gov.uk you should be able to obtain a copy.

That website also tells you where to go if they were married in Scotland or Ireland
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I do not know about the earlier comment about Brexit not happening. As the majority of my time is spent in the UK and been back in the UK since the end of February I have not seen any opinion polls so which way will it go? Scare stories from both sides with the Government using taxpayers money to issue their booklet. Could people get fed up with the way the Government is going about this and vote OUT just to spite them. Of course it will be interesting what the turn out will be which will probably be very low so very difficult to predict the outcome.
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The strange thing is you really need to look hard to find the arguments for and against.

If this were a general election, you'd have televised leaders' debates, election broadcasts for the major parties and endless speculation and analyses on all of the media.

I find it very frustrating that the referendum is undeniably more important than general elections and there so little discussion, relatively speaking, of course!

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There are still 7 weeks to go to the referendum and tomorrow we have local elections in many parts of England  and assembly elections in Wales and Scotland. Once those are out of the way I expect there will be more campaigning, debates etc. I suspect we will be thoroughly fed up by 23rd June which may have an effect on the the turnout

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My feeling is that there will be a reasonably high turnout. Not based on any evidence..it's just that it is quite different to a General Election and it is quite an important decision. Even if people are not getting a good discussion I things they are beginning to realise the significance. There was a discussion on the One Show tonight, where they raised the issue of lack of facts. The commentator made a good point in that it's hard to be factual about what would happen because we just don't know either way. No one has ever left before so none of the laws have been tested.
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I know a few people who have had a nightmare getting paperwork for the french authorities, because at least one of their parents was not born in France and the place they were born, basically is not in the same country they were born in.

Whatever they did, I believe they sorted it out....... eventually...... but they did rale quite a lot whilst doing it.

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[quote user="mint"]The strange thing is you really need to look hard to find the arguments for and against.

If this were a general election, you'd have televised leaders' debates, election broadcasts for the major parties and endless speculation and analyses on all of the media.

I find it very frustrating that the referendum is undeniably more important than general elections and there so little discussion, relatively speaking, of course!


Well, where we are in the UK in Lincolnshire the only voting was for the Police and Crime Commissioner. We voted having tried to find out the thoughts of the 4 candidates but it was extremely sparse. However, some friends, in their early 70s did not vote for the first time in their lives because of 'no information from any of the candidates and virtually nothing in the local press'.

So far the propaganda from the 'stay in brigade' are that their will be dire consequences if we come out and the 'get out brigade' are that their will be dire consequences if we stay in that people will decide they cannot make up their minds or are totally fed up with all the ranting that they will give voting a miss.

And yes Mint more important than a general election in my view because you can change the party after 5 years. Vote out in this one and there will be no way back in unless a vast price is paid or perhaps vote in and the EU will think the UK will accept whatever is thrown at it.

Plus how many people think it is important - think of the make up of UK society.
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As with any referendum there is the problem of misusing the referendum for a different purpose.

Want to get rid of Cameron-vote 'leave'.

Want Scottish independence-vote 'leave'.

The EU reaction to a Brexit  apparently is to focus on divorcing the UK before any new relationship by July 1, 2018. (click)

That might just be scaremongering, but it makes sense to me. It is difficult enough to entangle EU institutions from the UK and vice versa without the distraction of negotiating new treaties.

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Must admit I haven't read the entire thread so this may have been said, since it seems blinding obvious - but if you have a carte de séjour issued on the basis of you being an EU citizen, then if due to a Brexit you are no longer an EU citizen, would that not automatically invalidate your EU CDS in any case?
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[quote user="idun"]If you want to do it, isn't it the Tribunal d'Instance that deal with it? If it is, can't you just call them for a rdv or pop in?

It was certainly the T d'I where we had to go.


No it is the Préfecture, Service d'Etrangers....

And since June 2015 it isn't even départmental it is Régionale so Toulouse Montpellier etc


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I thought it was called a "titre de sejours" now so perhaps not necessarily based on being a member of an EU country.

After five years of legal/tax retun completing residence I don't think one can be thrown out anyway. We will see what happens in June but are not doing anything yet and unless forced to we will not be taking out French citizenship.

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Ah no........

Remember, I had to deal with many and varied things whilst I lived in France and so with regards to NH, was most certainly talking about citizenship, as when we had to deal with it, a judge was involved at the Tribunal d'Instance.

And yes, seems that ID cards for me at least, were initally, Carte de Sejours and then they changed about 15 years ago to Titre de Sejours and now are Carte de Sejours again, and I would definitely apply for one of those at the Prefecture, usually via my Mairie.

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Many things have been centralized now and the Mairies have very little to do. Our one organises the dustbin collections and act as a post box for planning applications but the rest is entirely done elsewhere. When we arrived 5 years ago we popped in to tell them and they said basically thank you and welcome but we don't need to know!

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And as I said it is now Regional, not even departental....down here anyway:

Depuis le 29 avril 2015, une plate-forme

régionale de naturalisation est mise en place afin d'uniformiser les

demandes de naturalisation par mariage ou par décret.


préfets de département de la région Midi-Pyrénées ne sont plus

pour recevoir les dossiers de demande de naturalisation.


demandes des postulants domiciliés dans les départements de la région

Midi-Pyrénées sont exclusivement instruites par la Préfecture de la


Afin de simplifier les

démarches des ressortissants étrangers souhaitant accéder à la

nationalité française et qui résident dans les départements suivants :

Ariège, Aveyron, Gers, Lot, Hautes-Pyrénées, Tarn et Tarn-et-Garonne, un

dispositif dématérialisé est mis en place.


dispositif ne nécessite plus la présentation personnelle du postulant

au guichet d'accueil de la préfecture (guichet qui est d'ailleurs

supprimé) pour retirer le dossier de demande
. Le postulant doit

seulement se connecter au site Internet de la préfecture afin de prendre un rendez-vous et télécharger le dossier de demande (par décret ou par déclaration) qui est l'unique document recevable.

At least you dont have to queue up to get the forms as you used to have to (for the carte de séjour I had to be there at 6 in the morning just to get a place in he queue)....but as I said before all the appointment slots were full when I tried.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you go for nationality rather than the carte de sejour, are the length of time resident and the professional insertion requirements both required? I've been here eight years and have the 'droit de sejour' under the current UK in EU rules but I'm not currently active so I don't know whether than means I wouldn't be accepted.

I've told my kids they should go for it, especially if they think they may leave - to make sure they can come back again if they want to.
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I have been following this thread with a little interest and wanted to know why people are talking about CdS and or taking French nationality? Firstly I would have thought it best to wait till after the referendum, more to the point IF it is a vote to leave till Article 50 is invoked. What is it that people think a CdS is going to give them? I am also thinking that like in so many other things the French are not stupid and may demand that those that gained a CdS within the last 12 months and the UK voting to leave MAY have their CdS cancelled and asked to apply like any non EU immigrant i.e. prove health cover etc., enough money in bank and all the other things you needed to prove years ago. One only has to look at how they handled the CDS mess, you might have got your money back till the end of 2015 so they simply changed the name (and use) of the tax so you will continue to pay it anyway.
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