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Hanging baskets - what's the secret?

val douest

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Walking round Tarbes and Pau recently I couldn't help admiring the splendid hanging baskets everywhere.  They have been in flower for months and still look fantastic, while mine - although still flowering - are looking decidedly past their best.  Just what do these municipal gardeners do to get their baskets looking so good for so long?  Is it in the compost they choose, the plants they raise, special feeding...?  I have seen the water trucks go round after dark so I know the baskets are regularly watered, but then so are mine.  My petunias are deadheaded, too, which should help but I can't believe all those public ones are tidied up in the same way. Any ex-municipal gardeners out there who can share their secrets?

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I have managed to keep two of mine looking good this summer for the first time.  They are rare down here on private houses so they have been much admired.  I cannot stress deadheading enough.  It prolongs the life of any plants in baskets.  I periodically take my baskets down and soak them in an old baby bath as however much we water them the outsides always dry out quickly.

I use coconut fibre liners and put a layer of small bubble wrap in the bottom (inside). I use ordinary compost but I do add water retaining granules.  In fact I put the granules in a bowl of water a couple of hours before I make up the baskets so they have plenty of space to absorbe the first lot of water.

I grew my own trailing lobelia with seeds sent from UK but I bought everything else locally. Petunias, Gaura (looks great in middle and is a perennial so can be put in garden to use next year if it does not get too big), verbena - had to replace this after about 2 months, a trailing plant that looked like Nepeta, geraniums of course and I put in several morning glories in UK but they have not been great here although they are coming late now.  Nasturtiums I grew from seed. 

I do replace and move plants about and 3 weeks ago I completely redid two baskets, from three leggy baskets.  I do feed a geranium liquid feed.  I water first, then wait an hour and put the feed in slowly with a watering can.  We do have to water two or three times a day if it is hot or windy.  I have a small submersible pump in my large water butt, this was very cheap in Lidl and has been great so it takes seconds to water the baskets.  We are rigging up an auto watering system for next year but I think most people underestimate the large amounts of water needed every day.

Well those are all my secrets, pretty basic, I have not got a clue how to put a picture on here I would post one, sorry....but good luck next year.

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Washey would love to see your photos. I am probably the last person to give advise on this but it is quite easy. If you go to www.photobucket.com and upload your images and then under the image highlight the text and past it in your post here.

Thank you for posting your tips I found them excellent and will try to remember to use them next year.[:)]

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Many thanks for your detailed reply, Washy - it's inspired me to have a go at doing my own next year instead of buying them ready made up.  Everyone seems to have them round us (65)  but they aren't nearly as varied as in the UK - mainly geraniums and petunias as these seem to stand the heat well.  In fact the baskets with several varieties of plants mixed in are described as 'Suspensions Anglaises'.  And yes, if you can manage to post some pictures, that would be great.


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OK, let's have a go at up loading a piccy.......I have looked at the link......


Ooops not sure if this is right.......this is the Img link to the photo.   I will take some more of the baskets how they are now and mail them tomorrow.....Oh it is all a learning curve.....

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