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Carte de sejour


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Interesting story I found at Change.org today:

Cela fait 9 ans que Mr Subedi Biraj vie en France, il est propriétaire d'un restaurant indien (l'unique de notre ville et également le seul à proposer des plats et un menu végétarien) il paye ses impôts comme nous tous, il a créé de l'emploi il viens en aide aux personnes âgées de notre quartier à Fougères (35) c'est un honnête homme à qui a été refusé ce matin le renouvellement de sa carte de séjour. Il vient du Népal, et à consacré sa vie à la France! Nous avons 1 mois avant la date butoir de son Obligation à quitter le territoire français, aidez nous ! De nombreux emplois sont en jeu mais surtout la vie d'un homme qui a tout donner pour la France !!

Possibility this could happen after Brexit to those of us who are currently EU citizens
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This sounds a bit like the idea that foreigners who earn under £35,000 might be asked to leave the UK.

The grounds for the refusal to re-new his titre de séjour is apparently that his business doesn't have a high enough turn-over, and he got into debt:


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He could pay his debts and any majorations straight away with cash, but he would open himself up to questioning as to the source of the funds.


A long time ago someone explained to me what they meant by mal géré, - taking too much Under the counter and not leaving enough in the business to pay debtors and cotisations.

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Jazzer said..."Possibility this could happen after Brexit to those of us who are currently EU citizens"

If you work legally you will be fine. If you don't you will not be fine.

Half the businesses around me in Paris are not run by EU nationals.

Run a 'French type' business from Bath and employ someone remotely in France (not on a French contract) as an editor. Not fine. LOL.
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