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Tiny beetles shredding my cabbage


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I think it is a flea beetle, although I read that May and June is their time. We did have colza (will the other word be censored?) earlier this year. One way of dealing with them apparently is to smear some cardboard with golden syrup and waft it over the top of the plants as they jump when disturbed - haven't tried this yet.
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Derris is the stuff you want. I use CP Jardin's Bio range "Pucerons et Autres." From brico's/garden centres. The Autres include Altise (which is the flea beetle)

Other alternatives are companion planting mint with brassicas, and also bruised elderberry leaves can deter them.

In late summer there is sometimes a

significant migration of adult beetles from oilseed rape fields

into gardens when damage to mature plants can occur.

Eggs laid near host plants hatch in late-summer. The beetles feed for a few weeks before overwintering.


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