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Not sure how to proceed


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2 years ago my wife left me for my boss, I lost my wife and job within the space of a day.

We live in the UK but own a French property and everything is in joint names.

We are now divorced in the UK but the financial settlement has yet to be finalised.

Earlier last year she pushed for our UK home to be sold. I spent £3k getting it ready for sale and have paid off £5k in capital since she left. I advised her unless she was willing to go half on the costs I would be unable to contribute to the French finances this year until I saved some money.  She did not disagree with my proposal but is now claiming poverty and is asking me to pay the french taxes and keep the french bank account topped up. I just cant afford to pay for everything along with child maintenance etc.

I now have my french bank writing to me daily and the french tax authorities chasing me for property taxes. What do I do?  The UK house still isnt sold and she has not contributed at all to either property since she left. I dont mind my kids dipping into my wallet but strongly object to her doing so.  Any advice would be welcome.

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Thank you for the advice, however, if I could afford a lawyer I could afford to pay the property taxes, which sadly I cannot.

 As for employment lawyer I am not concerend with that, she made her bed, she can lye in it. I just strongly object to having to pay everything and she walks away scott free.

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All you can do now is play hardball. Given no financial settlement, say to her/her lawyer, if you have to pay one cent towards the upkeep of the French house it is yours 100%. The UK property you split but every penny you have put in is reimbursed before the split is made.

But as Greyman says, you absolutely must find a way to pay your French taxes - beg borrow and steal (well maybe not steal). Otherwise your French accounts will be frozen - maybe they already are if you are getting so many letters from them. The house itself is at risk if you do not pay.
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Sounds like what you need to focus on is getting the UK house sold (according to the papers houses in the UK sell like hot cakes) and making your ex play fair.

In the meanwhile, if you haven't already explained the situation to your French bank and the tax office, do it. It won't make the debts go away but they might be inclined to be more patient if they know what the problem is and that you are expecting a lot of money coming in soon. Otherwise they will think you have done a runner with no intention of ever paying your bills and they will go all out to claw back whatever they can.
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  • 10 months later...
What's the status now? I hope till now you must have got the solution to proceed further. Did you hire a lawyer? This is mandatory. My friend was also stuck up in the situation where he was also really fed up with his wife who left him for another guy. On someone's recommendation he hired a lawyer Bechara Tarabay and took his advice. A lawyer can be your guardian, agent and legal advisor as well.

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