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Hard Brexit - You WILL need a CDS

Cathar Tours

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[quote user="EuroTrash"]The quality of the UK's "leaders" at present is abysmal, there doesn't seem to be a single strong, principled, intelligent, clear-sighted politician amongst them. Just when the UK really needs a good leader.

In fact how many have any of those qualities.[/quote]

Maybe there should be some qualifications to stand for election, including a close study of past history and background, to at least indicate aptitude. Perhaps a minimum standard of education - (e.g. basic arithmetic, without mentioning any names [:D])
Full details should be published in detail and easily available.

TM's Wikipedia entry notes that she "attended" an Oxford ladies' college for 6 years, with no mention of her achievements there, and that she "worked for" the Bank of England and The Association for Payment Clearing Services, with no mention of her position in either organisation.

I worked for a Civil Aviation Authority, but what I did there would be of little use if I had to fly a plane.

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Replying to several posts in one fell swoop, as it were.  I agree about "furthering your career"....I have resigned from about 4 jobs (good ones too) because I couldn't go along with the prevailing expectations and ethos of the organisations.  Never regretted it though it would have cost me dear.  Can't succeed at stuff if your heart's not in it.

Nomoss, education is fine but it does depend on what it consists of and what yours is good for.  I have heard TM at least 3 times saying "me and my government" so clearly, although a keen advocate of grammar schools, grammar itself does not appear to be her forté.

I laughed at your illustration of the CAA and your experience within it.  My OH sometimes claims, tongue in cheek, that he was "Number One in the War Office".  Then he admits that he was Number One in their table tennis team!

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Her main forte seems to an incredible ability to keep her eyes firmly fixed ahead, looking to neither right nor left, digging her heels in and refusing to be budged.

Now what's that animal I'm thinking of that wears blinkers and is famous for its long-suffering obstinacy?
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[quote user="mint"]
Nomoss, education is fine but it does depend on what it consists of and what yours is good for.  I have heard TM at least 3 times saying "me and my government" so clearly, although a keen advocate of grammar schools, grammar itself does not appear to be her forté.[/quote]

A couple of days ago she pronounced "Emirates" as "Emmyrahtees" on national TV.
I asked one of my mahtees if it was correct; he said it was open to deebahtee.

I think it's what happens when someone reads notes or an autocue without having practiced, or thinking about, what they are saying.

Mint, I did say "Perhaps a minimum standard of education".

Not really asking for much.

Maybe knowing the "times table" up to x10 and having a grasp of fractions and percentages.

A bit of basic grammar too - oh, and being capable to making a short impromptu speech without adding "I mean", "you know", or "er" between every half dozen words, or using unfamiliar words without mispronouncing or misusing them.

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Scary to think we have a Prime Minister who is unfamiliar with the word Emirates.

Saying that I have to admit that until somebody told me different, I was pronouncing Pilates like Pilots.

We can perhaps deduce from that, that Pilates is closer to TM"s comfort zone than Emirates. Bless.
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[quote user="EuroTrash"]Her main forte seems to an incredible ability to keep her eyes firmly fixed ahead, looking to neither right nor left, digging her heels in and refusing to be budged.

Now what's that animal I'm thinking of that wears blinkers and is famous for its long-suffering obstinacy?[/quote]

But with the grimaces, face-pulling, gurning, etc, it is perfectly understandable to be expecting a "hee-haw" , perhaps in her very next speech?

BTW, I love donkeys, their flaring nostrils and lovely hairy ears.....now, I didn't actually say she ressembled a donkey or even an a@@, as her American bestie might call it.

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Just putting this out there. I don't know how many other people: serving politicos, you lot, journalists... would actually enjoy spending a day doing her job. I certainly wouldn't

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[quote user="mint"]
[quote user="EuroTrash"]Her main forte seems to an incredible ability to keep her eyes firmly fixed ahead, looking to neither right nor left, digging her heels in and refusing to be budged.

Now what's that animal I'm thinking of that wears blinkers and is famous for its long-suffering obstinacy?[/quote]

But with the grimaces, face-pulling, gurning, etc, it is perfectly understandable to be expecting a "hee-haw" , perhaps in her very next speech?

BTW, I love donkeys, their flaring nostrils and lovely hairy ears.....now, I didn't actually say she ressembled a donkey or even an a@@, as her American bestie might call it.


I think ET referred to an animal descended from a donkey, but not as cuddly.

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At the beginning of her statement in the Commons today, the PM said that 95% of the exit agreement was completed.

She was then asked what the 5% consisted of, and replied "The Irish border" - sniggers all round.

Since then, having been asked for details of several other aspects of the agreement, from business to security, she replied that these were still under discussion.

That must be a very large 5% !

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"Just putting this out there. I don't know how many other people: serving politicos, you lot, journalists... would actually enjoy spending a day doing her job. I certainly wouldn't "

Yes I suppose we should feel sorry for her, but I would find it a whole lot easier if I didn't feel that her problems are largely self inflicted. She is in the bind she is in because basically she's never got on top of her job. She started off not too badly but once the going got tough she's dug her hole deeper and deeper. One of the few decisions she made was to hold an election and that was a humdinger of a bad decision, definitely a can she should have kicked down the road with all the rest. And I don't think she has the personal qualities needed in a PM either - no charisma, terrible at public speaking, robotic, what kind of an ambassador for the country is that.

Saying all that, she is still probably a lesser evil than the alternatives,

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[quote user="EuroTrash"] I suppose we should feel sorry for her, but I would find it a whole lot easier if I didn't feel that her problems are largely self inflicted. She is in the bind she is in because basically she's never got on top of her job. She started off not too badly but once the going got tough she's dug her hole deeper and deeper.[/quote]

She's a perfect manifestation of the Peter Principle.

BTW, Mr Hunt also said "Emmyrahtees" today.

Maybe he just heard of the place from TM.

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"Betty", I need the like button again.

Poisoned chalice, hoist with own petard, many phrases come to mind, but indeed, she seems to be the best if a bad bunch at the mo, and party politics aside, we definitley need a Churchill-like leader, prepared to ignore the party to achieve what is  best for the country, but I see no-one ...

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[quote user="You can call me Betty or Queenie if you prefer"]I don't disagree. However, the language being used towards her by members of her own party is really unacceptable. I know it's hard to imagine that politicians are human, but they are.

Except possibly Trump.[/quote]

Yes, I do agree about the language.  No need to be so aggressive and this from her OWN side.....so, she doesn't really need enemies, does she?

Nomoss, I was commenting on that 95% to my OH.  If she'd just say 95% of WHAT, that might actually be useful!

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nomoss wrote

TM's Wikipedia entry notes that she "attended" an Oxford ladies' college for 6 years, with no mention of her achievements there, and that she "worked for" the Bank of England and The Association for Payment Clearing Services, with no mention of her position in either organisation.

She graduated from St Hugh's with a second class BA (probably a 2:2 but nobody says so. The Guardian, obviously not part of her fan club, says she got a "second class" degree.)

At APACS, she was head of the European Affairs Unit and a senior advisor on international affairs.

She probably wasn't Governor of the Bank of England. I know Oxbridge grads usually avoid starting at the bottom, but in fairness it was her first job after graduation.

Wikipedia is often pretty rubbish on these things.
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[quote user="NormanH"]At the period TM would have been at Oxford there was no distinction between 2.1 and 2.2....there were only 2nd class degrees, although some managed the distinction of getting a 4th.......


Which ones took 6 years?

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W/B wrote,

500,000 on the streets of. London today demanding a final say. But will the government take any notice?

I think you will find 17,400,000 'trumps' your 500,000. I agree we should re run the referendum, the one held in 1975. We were lied to, and told it was a trading deal only, and that any further integration would be put to the people to vote on. Blair should have done this, but knew the result would be NO.

He gambled that by letting in people to the UK who are not British, that if it ever came to a vote at some point there would be enough people who were non British here able to vote, who would win it for remain. Luckily it was held just before there were enough of these non British voters, to make us stay.

So, I want a re-run of the first referendum. my vote having been not to join, I accepted the result, why cant remainers accept this one. lets face it, many of those that voted to stay in the EU were not even in the UK back in 75.

Blame Blair for the mess that the UK is in with this, we should never have let it go so long before a referendum, and those of you are now facing problems because of Brexit, blame Blair for your pain.
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NormanH wrote:

At the period TM would have been at Oxford there was no distinction between 2.1 and 2.2....there were only 2nd class degrees, although some managed the distinction of getting a 4th.......

Nomoss wrote:

Which ones took 6 years?

Not that I'm proud of it...but TM and I share a birthdate. As she graduated the year before me, and I did a 4 year course and I went to University at 17, the only way she could have done a six year course is if she went to University at 15....
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[quote user="nomoss"][quote user="NormanH"]At the period TM would have been at Oxford there was no distinction between 2.1 and 2.2....there were only 2nd class degrees, although some managed the distinction of getting a 4th.......


Which ones took 6 years?


Didn't she "major", as her bestie Trump might say, in Geography?  I have met a fair few town planners who were Geography graduates.  Perhaps she missed her vocation?

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W/B wrote,

The British people were lied to again and again by the Brexit camp. This is why there should be a final say vote.

There was a final say, on the 23rd June 2016. The pro remain government of the UK, prior to this date spent £9,000,000 of tax payers money on sending every house in the UK a leaflet telling us why we should stay in the EU. Thought they were meant to be neutral??

Then they paid for a 'once and for all referendum' on the the EU. ( best money any government has ever spent in peace time), now when it goes the way you did not want, you expect the British tax payer to fund another 'final' vote.

Jog on my old son. ;-)
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