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Climbing roses


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Hello there everyone.  I am from Canada and we can't really grow climbing roses without a tonne of work.  You pretty much have to dig them up and bury the ENTIRE plant to protect it from the frost.  Even doing this you keep your fingers crossed that it comes back when you re plant in the spring.  I would like to grow climbing roses at my house in France (around Bordeaux)  Do you have to do all this work to the roses or can you just let them be and prune off the dead wood in the spring?

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They'll be absolutely fine outdoors, Mattyj.

Last winter we were doing mega-cutting down of trees near my climbing roses in February, and I could not actually even see the remains of the rose bushes among the trampled mud and smashed branches.  By summer, I can say they have never looked better!   I think I should give them the same treatment every year...

On the other hand, climbing roses do seem to put on a lot of growth, so it's probably a good idea to cut them back quite hard in the spring.


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We planted several roses in our house in Charente Maritime (about an hour from Bordeaux) and the climbing ones are tremendous.  The other ones are fabulous too.

Can't say that we do much more than dead-head them, feed and water as normal.  Buy disease-resistant ones and it's pretty much just sit back and enjoy.

BTW, if anyone's intested, Lidl seem to have lots of very healthy roses for sale at under 3 euros each.  Of course, we couldn't resist them and we have 2 outside waiting till we decide where they can go.

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I was stroger willed yesterday than you, Sweet, our Super U had some at 4.95€ - I just managed to walk past them!

One of my favorite French climbers is Pierre de Ronsard:


This is hubby's favorite, but I've lost the name. It was planted nearly 3 years ago in quite poor soil and seems to thrive on neglect, although I often throw the coffe grounds down by it and dead head it during the summer so it keeps flowering:



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