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Carte de Séjour: have a laugh on me...


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I have had a CdS since 1996 as it was compulsory back then, and kept it updated, the last time in 2016 to the 10 year 'permanent' status.
However I have just moved house, and one is supposed to notify this within 3 months.

So I trotted along to the Notoriously Dreadful Béziers sous préfecture only to be informed that I had get a  rendez-vous online exactly as if I were applying for the first time.
It is now 2 months down the line and although I try evey day there is never a place available

Il n'existe plus de plage horaire libre pour votre demande de rendez-vous. Veuillez recommencer ultérieurement.

I got in touch by a sort of back-door and had this reply


Dès la mise à jour du module de prise de rendez-vous, une très forte

affluence d'usagers provoque un ralentissement du système et peut

générer des retour d'erreurs sans

pour autant altérer son bon fonctionnement.

Concernant les usagers en situation régulière : les plages horaires

de rendez-vous sont actuellement saturées

I told them of the fact that certain taxi-phone places make block-bookings and re-sell the places at 10€, but they weren't convinced..

In any case it looks as if NormanH the champion of the CdS will soon be in possession of one that has an invalid address on it...

I can  hear the jeers and cheers already [6]

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Doubt it - But surely there are lots of fonctionnaires to check your address from the information held!!

Oldies sometimes think that they were not checked before computers and that now there are no legal limits on the power of computers.

Totally separate - but what is wrong with keeping information about you if you have nothing to hide.

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WB Really cant reconcile that with the Wests drift towards the extreme and Hilter ish Right.

Does the Mossad have your view?

What is a reasonable differential for the richest to the poorest?

NB - courts - just look at the recent US issue -Fuc*in* is a prerequisite for office,

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I have just checked my old/expired CDS and it does not have an address on it.

I have long suspected that you are all pi55 and wind and this is another proof of that , since the address is clearly printed on the back.

  I have just checked both my current CdS and the one I had from 2002..
see here :

This is a useful feature since it means that a CdS unlike a UK Passport can act both as a pièce d'identité  and as a justicatif de domicile

If you really had one you would see that. This is all of a piece with the rubbish you spouted about it not fitting in a wallet.

That is what I am on about LOL.

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I have had two CDS. One issued in Paris and one issued in Lyon. I went to renew the last one in Orleans in 2006 but they told me to go away.

Certainly mine does not look like that one. Maybe if you own a property they put the address on the back !!! We were renting flats for the first 10 years and moved about a lot. At no stage were you required to notify change of address. Well nobody told us to.

Secondly, I notice on your specimen it does not say whether you are 'cadre on 'non cadre' whereas mine said 'cadre'. Maybe that is a special one for retirees in the dordogne.

Lastly, my old CDS measures 10cm x 7cms.

My wallet (a french male type wallet...because I am ALBF) does not have space for a 10 x 7 document.

That would mean I would have to buy a bigger wallet. If I bought a bigger wallet I would have to put the wallet in my back pocket and not my front pocket which of course is a problem if you live in Paris. Someone would have it.

So there you go Norman.


Pîssîng in the wind ALBF
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And mine issued in 1997 had an address on the back and was just a little larger than my present one ...as was the case with each one until this last one which is a bit smaller and has a 'puce' with fingerprints etc in it..
Here is a photo of the back of my second one (the first was for 5 years)
How about putting a photo of yours with no address on it here to prove your point  that there is no address on a CdS?


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My current CDJ issued on 10/03/2017 by the prefecture at Carcassonne definitely has my address on the reverse which has; Date et lieu de naissance,Sexe, Nationalité, ADRESSE (unambiguously stated). Alongside this information is the chip. I had to surrender my initial CDJ obtained in 2001 as a part of my dossier to obtain the current carte, but from memory my address was also specified thereon. I recall having a conversation with a friendly (yes, there are plenty of these!) gendarme after its expiry about proving identity etc and his response was simply that "your current French driving licence is sufficient".

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ALBF wrote : You said on other threads you worked in France but your activité professionelle is....'Pensionne'.

If you have legally retired in one country then moved to another (EU) country there is nothing to stop you continuing to work .. within limits .. you will continue to be described as a pensioner .. as that is what you are.

I have a close friend who retired from teaching in the UK at age 60 , moved to France and started a new, part time teaching job .. which lasted nearly 10 years.

She receives pensions from both the UK and France and her cds from the time says the same as Norman's.
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I have already posted in this thread that my CdS, received from Beziers (the nasty prefec, agreed, NormanH), about a month ago, has no address on it.  A chop, yes, but no address.  Maybe Carca and Beziers do things differently, Gallois, but no need to make a song and dance about it.  I expect technology has improved since NormanH and ABLF got their original cards, so old as they are ....

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Excuse me !!!

Old ??????????

I'm only 45. I'm a spring chicken.

I am half Normans age. LOL.

So your card does not have an address on it Judith.

Hmmmm....maybe Norman does not have a CDS. Maybe it is just a library card or a store card or something and he's getting all confused.

Norman, does your card have Decathlon written on the front of it in big letters ?

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Mea culpa, given NormanH's postings, and looking more carefully, indeed, my address is there, but not quite where he says it is, in that place there is just a gibberish of numbers and <<<<<.  My excuse, it's in VERY small print ... and actually most of it I find difficult to read as it is really so very small and narrow, and my vision is such that narrow print is very, very difficult for me to read ...

Still, I am glad to have it, in spite of some of the (very) odd comments on this thread.

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