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Notaires: some sharp practices that many try on


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Oh boy, at last out in the open. I know of too many 'combines' from notaires and cleverly done would be very hard to get to the bottom of things. Not helped by our local law officers who were very good at checking papiers and stopping lady motorists, but not much else.

AND they are full of themselves, 'Maitre' indeed, even the women! A few I know, if they shake your hand you should count your fingers afterwards.
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The article and the sharp practices of some house agents does not come as a shock at all; there are many shysters in the business who will rip off the unsuspecting as much as they can. Frequently working hand in glove with corrupt buyers.

In my last village the trick was to buy agricultural land and for it to be upgraded to building land which increased the value hugely. If the owner happened to be hand in glove with the mayor etc, Bob, as they say, is your uncle.

A spell in prison would have done the whole lot good.

But how far the notaire was involved is another question. The amount of duties paid would perhaps have thrown up a red flag if he had sanctioned the sale. Remember he represents the State as a glorified tax collector.

Though I have no doubt some are greedy and corrupt.
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British people tend to think of notaires in terms of property purchase, but if you watched the program you would notice that they deal with many other areas that  might be covered in the UK by a solicitor,  such as inheritance,   or  marriage contracts.

One of the main differences between  lawyers and Notaires is that Notaires have fixed fees set by the state, and are not allowed to charge an hourly rate for advice which should be free ; but many take advantage of people's confusion about this difference and do in fact try to charge as if they were lawyers.

A second rip-off is that when a property is sold the Notaire can put the proceeds in a special bank la Caisse des dépôts and they keep the Interest on it unless the seller claims it back. By not telling the seller that they need to do this the average Notaire makes 17000€ a year on interest to which they are technically not entitled

En savoir plus : https://www.moneyvox.fr/banque/actualites/52666/les-fonds-des-notaires-trop-bien-remuneres-par-la-cdc-selon-la-cour-des-comptes

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