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This has been the case since 2015. But the information is all rather buried although there was a lot about it at the time.

I had problems a couple of years ago when I tried to get treatment at a UK surgery. The practice manager didn't know anything about the arrangements and I had to give her the links to the appropriate pages. I now make sure I have those links and my S1, and my UK-provided EHIC when I travel to the UK

S1 holders can register with a UK doctor as well.

The S2 is for planned treatment so presumably it was provided to you by a French doctor.

It is not about equality of payments into a system, it is about equality of healthcare.
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Yes, planned treatment well, not exactly treatment, but seeing a specific specialist not available in France. And the other time was because I was in the middle of treatment post surgery and had to go back because my mother was very ill, so a type of E form which is now the S2, on both occasions.

Well my email went well, asking if the information was up to date......... the email address was not up to date, so we shall see what they say, now I have found, I hope, the correct email address.

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[quote user="idun"].......................................................So say someone moves to Romania, for what ever reason and hands in their S1. The UK pays the romanians for this persons health care, and then that person goes back to the UK for treatment they don't consider up to scratch in Romania. Depending on how Romania was paid, it could mean that the UK goverment was 'funding' twice and that does not feel as if it would be right.

And saying anything about pensioners rights, well, UK S1 holders in France don't pay into the system, but french pensioners do, so it isn't quite being treat as the locals are is it. A rather unequal arrangement, and it isn't as if french pensioners have not paid into the system for a lifetime already. And no one is made to move anywhere, it is a choice. ..................................


I believe the UK's arrangement with France is that the actual cost of treatment provided by France under the S1 is repaid by the UK, rather than their paying a fixed amount per S1 holder, as was the case previously.

So, although I don't know about the UK's arrangements with Romania, there is no case of the UK "funding twice" for France,

If we have treatment in France, the UK reimburses the net amount (charge less our co-payment) to France.
If we have it in the UK, as pensioners, the UK carries the full cost.
So the NHS is better off if we are treated in France.

Regarding your remark about pensioners rights, We are treated here exactly as the "locals" are.
We present our Cartes Vitales, and attestations from our Mutuelle, just as they do, and the health provider is paid by both of those, in the same way.

The only difference is that  l'Assurance Maladie is reimbursed by the UK for the payments made for us.

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Yes, as I said, each EU country is different with the payments it receives and yet, as the EU is the great Federal body, ALL british pensioners will be treat the same even if the country they move to are being paid a forfait for their health care.

You know that expression, AND ANOTHER THING[Www] ...... as I have just realised how this would affect us personally.

IF we moved back to France, we would not have the same entitlement as S1 Uk pensioners apparently now do, if we go back to  the UK on holiday.

  We would automatically be under the french health system again  and paying into that system as the french pensioners do. In spite of having a full UK pension there would not entitlement to a UK S1. And we would have to go back with CEAM cards.

No freebies for us. I am feeling actually peeved about this now.

So the system is feeling just plain wrong since I have thought of this, and in the way it would affect us.

Must edit with a PS

I keep seeing that S1 holders are treat the same as french pensioners but they are not, not at all. Unless really really poor, french pensioners have to pay into the system and will forever do so. S1 holders do not, and the french will have paid for their life time too pre retirement. So there is great discrepancy here too.

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[quote user="pomme"]Pensioners holding and S1 have the same rights to NHS services as anyone who is

ordinarily resident in England (I assume there are similar regulations for the other UK countries).

The relevant information is in the DHSS document:

Guidance on implementing the overseas visitor charging regulations

6.3 The following exemption categories may apply to those who are not ordinarily

resident in the UK:

• Regulation 13 – UK pensioners resident in the EEA: UK pensioners who are

resident in another EEA member state are exempt from charge for all relevant

services, including elective treatment, provided that they have registered an S1

document in that member state. See Chapter 9 for more about this exemption

para 9.58 (page 81) of the DHSS document Guidance on implementing the overseas visitor

charging regulations

UK pensioners living in another EEA country

In April 2015, there was a change in law which meant that all UK state

pensioners who are living in the EEA or Switzerland and have registered an S1 form

from the UK with the local authorities in their EEA country of residence are entitled to

not be charged for relevant services, just like someone who is ordinarily resident in

England. This rule also applies to any of their family members who also possess a

UK-issued S1. However, they will need to pay any charges which also apply to UK

residents, such as prescription and dental charges. Individuals who have registered

a UK S1 in another EEA country should be asked to provide some evidence

confirming this. If they present a UK-issued EHIC, their EHIC information should not

be entered into the portal for reimbursement. Regulation 13 of the Charging

Regulations concerns this category of patient

This is a short link t.ly/y5NMb and this is the original link to the document


Thanks Pomme, I knew there was a document somewhere!  (Been in hospital for a relatively minor op, so had better things to worry about than finding the doc!).

Which is why I was happy to do what I needed to do when I needed to use the NHS services last year ...

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