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Double Nationality


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IDUN - It's the bit at the very top of the passport that I want (to keep) which gives me the right to work and live anywhere inside the wonderful EU without restriction, something a person with a UK passport will not be able to do after the end of next year.

People say "well we all managed before the EU came along without a problem" which may well have been true but things move on and you can't do many of these things anymore.

If you have a residency card, CDS or Aufenthaltstitel (all the newer residency cards across the EU look the same now) you are an immigrant just like say in France a Moroccan, Algerian etc and soon the British to the EU and that can be removed at any time. Being a national of any EU country gives you rights that a resident does not have and it cannot be removed.
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CT says "It's the bit at the very top of the passport that I want (to keep) which gives me the right to work and live anywhere inside the wonderful EU without restriction, something a person with a UK passport will not be able to do after the end of next year"

Ummm...how do Americans, Australians, Chinese, Japanese...well anyone across the world for that matter able to live and work in the EU ?

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Well that is strange chessfou2.

Walk around Paris and you will see that most small businesses are Chinese owned. Parisian brasseries, hotels, restaurants (French or not) tabacs....you name it they are pretty much all Chinese owned and run.

So how does that work then ?

China is not in the EU....well last time I googled it. Not even in the Eurovision song contest LOL.

I have never seen a British run Parisian brasserie, hotel, restaurant (French or not) tabac in Paris.

So if the Chinese can do it, so can the British.
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"Walk around Paris and you will see that most small businesses are Chinese owned. Parisian brasseries, hotels, restaurants (French or not) tabacs....you name it they are pretty much all Chinese owned and run. "

Talk about racially stereo typing. Clearly you know very little about Frances history.
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Bit chilly out there Mint.

Besides, OH is doing a grad job looking after the little ones.

I prefer to play Fortnite. Or forumnite as I call it. LOL.[/quote]

So Madame ALBF is to be applauded, looking after four children under, what, 10?  Plus having a job outside the home.  Chapeau, madame[:D]

As for chilly, don't I always say you should move your family lock, stock and barrel to the Dordogne where the weather is said to be très doux[:P]

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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]"Walk around Paris and you will see that most small businesses are Chinese owned. Parisian brasseries, hotels, restaurants (French or not) tabacs....you name it they are pretty much all Chinese owned and run. "

Talk about racially stereo typing. Clearly you know very little about Frances history.[/quote]

It is not racial stereotyping it is a fact. The businesses are Chinese run. Many people working there don't speak French. I don't care care as long as I get my right fags when I ask for them.

Why are all gîtes in the Dordogne run by Brits ? Is that racial sterotyping ?

Rather run a tabac in Paris. You make money.

Go on...tell us about French history.

You know of course with your 'European brain' that the Chinese endure quite a lot of racial abuse in France.


What I am saying is that if you have the right skill set, language skills, you will still be able to work in France after Brexit.

In fact you could walk into a job tomorrow in France if you can speak French and do the job. Likewise with anyone else from around the world.

Trouble is, Brits don't speak French well. That is your problem.

P.S. How many Chinese folk invest in lost making gîte businesses in the Dordogne ? LOL
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The majority of whom you refer to as Chinese are actually from the old French Indochina or what today is called Vietnam and Cambodia.

The French colonised countries quite different to the UK and some other countries. The citizens there and in Cambodia became French citizens and therefor had French passports. The countries even had French post codes at that time. When the troubles started they left and went to France who could do nothing to stop them because they were French. The communists kicked the French out and then the US decided to have a go but it ended up even worse for them.

As clearly you have a problem reading and then converting what you have read into any form of comprehension I would suggest you download and watch a fantastic series call The Vietnam War (particularly parts 1 and 2) by Ken Burns which will explain it in pictures for you.

Without the right paperwork there is no way a none European citizen can just "walk into a job tomorrow" unless it's illegal.

I don't think any nationality has lost a gîte anywhere in France. I mean most are quite big.

I think you just make it up as you go along.
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"The businesses are Chinese run".

Distinctly racist comment, no? Are those people citizens of the PRC? If they are, they are indeed Chinese. Or are they French (mostly 2nd, 3rd generation)? Oh, and are they all carriers of coronavirus?

As for gite ownership in Dordogne, I, like you, have no idea. Just to whet your appetite; I have been to the Dordogne about 5 times, all but once for work (Is this what Trolls like to eat?).
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CT says "The majority of whom you refer to as Chinese are actually from the old French Indochina or what today is called Vietnam and Cambodia"

How do you know that ?

You do know of course that to buy an average Parisian Brasserie costs about...I dunno....2-3 million euros I guess. Perhaps more.

This is heavy investment. Not that bothers me.

I think I am also right in that if you invest in a business in France and employ a certain amount of people...you automatically get citizenship. Or something like that.

There you go, an idea for you CT.

All is not lost after Brexit.

If everyone else can do it from around the world, so can us British types.

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Should be a live link.

My dentist in France is chinese, the best dentist I have EVER had, he was wonderful. And another Doctor I used, who was also  brilliant, was also chinese.

That is one thing usually, about the chinese people I know, they would say that they are chinese as well as where else they were from, ie I'm from Lyon and I'm chinese.

We have known some koreans, vietnamians and even someone japanese in France, but to these european eyes, I would have trouble distinguishing where people were from and appreciated knowing when told without asking.

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Trouble is ALBF you never back this up with facts do you. You don't know what nationality they are except they are Asian. How do you know they buy their shops etc.? You don't you are just making wild statements with nothing to support what you write.

One thing you can say about Asians wherever they are in Europe (and beyond) they have a far better work ethic than Europeans even those that say they are French, almost but not really. If I didn't know better with some of your comments I would say you failed the nationality test for some reason or another and that's what makes you o bitter towards those that have succeeded.
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I like you CT...you are fun.

Yes you are quite correct on your first point. I have no idea. But if you google about, I am pretty confident I am right. Loads of French business articles on this matter. Specifically about Paris. And elsewhere.

Your second point is very spot on. Their business premises are immaculate and they are always so polite. Very un- french in that respect. But true.

Your last point, I failed GCSE English. I can't even use a pen. French test...ummm...difficult.

That said, I would pass the test. Because I can smile.

Stop with the insults CT, you can debate without being rude.

Top ALBF forum tip that.
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 CT years ago when people would ask the best way to learn french, then one of the cheeky answers would be, to take a french lover.

Mind you, if the relationship didn't go any further than the bedroom, I imagine that  the vocabularly may become somewhat unusual and perhaps some expressions best not to be used in every life[Www]

So as ALBF is married to a french lady and has kids, I would rather say that his french should be pretty good..... and those I know with mixed marriages, ie living in France and one of the spouses is french, then french is usually the language at home.

Frankly french is often the language at home for many brit couples with kids who live in France and have proper jobs, ie going out to work and working with  french colleagues.

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I can't remember if it were this thread or another where people were talking about UK S1 holders in the EU and treatment back in the UK when they visit etc.

Todays daily update in amongst all the farming stuff was this.


If you look through it you will find that you can use the NHS for free if you visit the UK until the end of 2020 (page 51 or shortly after). It's not for life which I thought some were saying or implying.
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 Sadly they have apparently changed the rules, that  happens, the rules were not always like that. AND there is something radically, I mean radically wrong with these new rules.

As was said, this information was hard to find, and I had looked and could not find, and asked and was told contrary to that. I don't make things up.

Are you a happy chappy, you appear to be enraptured by trying to find fault in others. And that mon grand is rather disturbing.

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"Are you a happy chappy, you appear to be enraptured by trying to find fault in others. And that mon grand is rather disturbing.".

Not at all. I signed up ages ago for email notifications from the British government on Brexit and I get loads of stuff usually once a day, even at weekends most of which is irrelevant to me like say fishing policies, agricultural policies.

In this case you and others were talking about this subject and seemed to have different interpretations. This document tells you exactly what's going to happen with reference to foreigners and Expats with reference to paying for healthcare received in the UK. This system may also stop a lot of the health tourism from none EU countries that people complain about as well so it is good all round. It's the last version so anything before is not relevant.

You, or those that have the most recent CDS, may also notice that when it gets down to the UK "CDS" it is, with the exception of the EU watermark being changed to a UK one the same as all the residency cards being issued in the EU.

There is another bit about not getting blue passports somewhere because until stocks run out the UK will continue to use EU red coloured ones but with no EU references on them. I read about this on the BBC website as well.


Obviously being strongly European I did find this funny having read and heard the rubbish and lies spewed out by Farage about blue passports.

If you want to know what going on join the Government Brexit mailing list. It is the definitive source.
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I wouldn't believe everything the UK Government puts out about Brexit. I saw a Facebook post from Gov.uk, aimed at French expats, urging everyone to obtain their residency permits (CdS) as soon as possible... It seemed to have escaped their notice (either that or through simple ignorance) that the French web portal for doing just that won't be live until July this year, and that no applications can be made until then. Not that UK Gov cares about giving misinformation of course, but it was clear from some of the comments to the post that some were completely taken in by it and were panicking.....
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Well this is supposed to be the definitive source and it says you won't be able to get a CDS till July and it said that before any other UK source.

So far the website has been correct. That aside I was just trying to be helpful because many of these changes will not effect me unless in an emergency should I ever visit the UK. There is another one about driving licences. If you have an EU one (like from any EU state other than the UK) you may after 2020 have to get an International one to drive in the UK. Thing is there are three and possibly more types so which one, it does not say. I have three for different ones for the parts of the world I visit through work.

The thing is would all this just be Boris trying to negotiate with the EU via threats? If it is he will lose.

The site mentions the great news that the UK has already negotiated 50 out of the 70 free trade deals it benefited from as an EU member. Thing is when you click on the list there are no big countries in the list like Japan, Canada, China etc. Thing is however the site is correct because you can view the signed deals. He is going to do a deal with the US but the EU had the common sense to pull out of TTIP to protect member states healthcare systems, public services and their food quality but then that something else again.

But hey ho I just won't mention this stuff anymore, you all know so much more than the UK government so get on with it.

I must now do some work so have a nice day.

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Back to double nationality; I can see why someone would want to acquire another nationality if it were a challenge, rather like adding an MA or PhD to ypur degree. Or because your original nationality has served you badly for various reasons, politics, for example. Others might be attracted to the way a society works - as in the case of CT it might be because the country of his choice is highly directive and structured, some things he is clearly very attracted to.

But, rather like changing religions, it seems to me that you never can quite become a total integrate because you lack the historical culture which cannot be learned. For example, Christmas which has a unique significance for most Christians.

For me, it is the shape and configuration of the countryside.

I think Norman has acquired his second ‘ticket’ as an insurance policy or as a challenge, though he has often enough indicated his distaste of the UK these days.

Any comments, Norman?
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I think Norman and CT just don't like Brits and are rebelling by seeking alternative nationalities.

But they are not getting it. They live in a bygone era.

This is not really a question about nationality.

I wonder what percentage of French nationals would F*** off from France and find a new nationality if they had the choice. I bet over 50 %.
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"I can see why someone would want to acquire another nationality if it

were a challenge, rather like adding an MA or PhD to ypur degree.

because your original nationality has served you badly for various

reasons, politics, for example.
Others might be attracted to the way a

society works -
But, rather like changing religions, it seems to me that you never

can quite become a total integrate because you lack the historical

culture which cannot be learned"
All true and of course I will never really considered as "French"; I will always be  "second class", but remember that for the moment it is something I have added not something I have lost, although there is a chance that if the FN passes I might have to choose, but that has,'t happened yet.

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